I think many of you know I had put off writing Mari's book for a little while but I may not have gone into why I did so. Through different writing forums I became apart of I found out the book I had completed would be a great one for family and friends as long as that is where it ended. But if I wanted it to be read by more than just people I knew then it needed to be done in a completely different way. One thing I kept being told is I needed to add fiction elements to her book. At first … [Read more...]
7 am
We as writers put words down on a page. Those pages can lead to an article, short story, novella, or even a full-length novel, which we really hope becomes the next great America masterpiece (we can all dream can’t we). Some of us have a website or blog that we write on once in a while, once a month, once a week, a few times a week, to even once a day. We want to share our thoughts, hopes, dreams, and inspirations with those around us. The words on our pages become a part of us as we share it … [Read more...]
New Monday Weekly Thread: Book Feature
I'd like to formally announce that as of today, I am starting a new weekly thread every Monday for featuring books that have either been released or are going to be. Please stop by every Monday for the latest post. On rare occasions I will have a feature book or series on either Wednesday or Thursday. If you would like to have your book featured, please go to the "Featured Book Request" page located at the top of this website. Fill out the form with the book(s) you'd like to have featured … [Read more...]
Joining GoodReads
I finished reading this book from a fellow author of mine that I know through ACFW. Her name is Rhonda Gibson. She is the recently published author of The Marshal’s Promise. I love the book. I purchased it as an e-book. After finishing it this evening, I read the last page where she wrote a short letter to the reader. On it, it mentioned her website www.rhondagibson.net. I went to go check it out because I wanted to write a comment to let her now I had finished it and how much I truly enjoyed … [Read more...]
Giving your life over
(I wrote this last Sunday, March 4, 2012 during worship service) I sat here during church service and watched a man become baptized. This is such a special time. The commitment is huge and precious for any person who does it. He walked down into the water. Our pastor briefly told us how that our church had sent over Bibles while the soldiers were deployed to Afghanistan. This man had received one of those very precious Bibles. He started to read it. As a result he decided to give his life to … [Read more...]
In my last post I wrote about how I joined this new group for writers. I have been receiving welcome's from the different members. And in my long winded sort of way (I just can't seem to keep my words down to a simple few sentences LOL), I responded back to what they have said. As I wrote a reply back yesterday I was thinking that it might be a good message to put on here. So I decided to put up a couple of them on here for what I said to share with all of you. I will post them over the next … [Read more...]
Just sitting here thinking…
I was sitting here thinking on my way home from work today how I don’t write as I used to. Here recently it has all been about either writing Mari’s book or now attempting my first hand at writing something fiction. However, I have been really thinking about Mari here recently as her three year mark approaches. It is hard to believe that it has been almost three years. It still doesn’t seem possible. Mari will always continue to live on in my heart. I hope through her story she will also … [Read more...]
Updated the first couple of chapters
Hello Everyone, I have taken some of the feedback given on the first two chapters and have revised what I had. I look forward to hearing more feedback. Thank you. Click Here to read the preview … [Read more...]
Please let me know which book cover you like best
Hello everyone. I have created several different covers that I need to get everyone opinion on. I have the one directly below this post as the first one. I have several more in here. If you like the one in the post below please reply to that tread by saying you like that one best. However, if you like on of the ones I am going to post in here please say the letter of the one you like best. I truly appreciate all your help on this. As I know the words will be hard to read on the graphics, here … [Read more...]
Updated chapters 1 & 2
Hello everyone, I have just updated and posted new previews for the first two chapters of the book based upon some of the comments I have received. I have kept the old preview as well if you want to compare the two. The revised chapters: Click Here for Chapter 1 Click Here for Chapter 2 The older version: Click here for previous version of Chapters 1 and 2 For anyone who is interested in pre-buying this book, please go the upper right hand side of this page for details. Here is … [Read more...]