I finished reading this book from a fellow author of mine that I know through ACFW. Her name is Rhonda Gibson. She is the recently published author of The Marshal’s Promise. I love the book. I purchased it as an e-book. After finishing it this evening, I read the last page where she wrote a short letter to the reader. On it, it mentioned her website www.rhondagibson.net. I went to go check it out because I wanted to write a comment to let her now I had finished it and how much I truly enjoyed it.
It was then I noticed a widget on the right side for GoodReads. I had heard of it several times from different members of ACFW. However, I had never once checked it out. Didn’t really know what it was.
Tonight I clicked on the logo in the widget and decided to create an account. It was fun going through and finding those books I have read, those I am in the process of reading and those I either plan to read or hope to read someday.
From there, I created a widget to display those books on here to share with all of you. I think I will have fun keeping my reading list up to date. I have a few on the to do list right now. Can’t wait to get them done and then go to GoodReads and update my status. I hope you will join me in saying what books you loved to read (and even those you didn’t 🙂 ).

Thanks for the shout out, Kristena!
I love this new blog and will follow as soon as I get done leaving this comment.
Rhonda, you are so incredibly welcome. You deserve it as your book was fantastic. Thank you for the follow and I am glad you like it.
I’ve been wanting to get to GoodReads and have procrastinated doing it. You’ve pushed past my chaos to get over there. Thanks.
Elaine, I’m glad I could be an encouragment in that area. Be sure to add me to your friends list. I’ve had a blast the last couple of days setting my stuff up.