I am excited and proud to announce my new Thursday weekly column. It will be centered around this question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? Starting July 12, my first guest blogger tells us about her writing journey and how God has worked in it. I hope all the stories that are posted on this site will touch your life like they have mine already. If you're interested in sharing your journey, please click on 'The Journey' Request at the top of this page. Then fill out the … [Read more...]
7 am
We as writers put words down on a page. Those pages can lead to an article, short story, novella, or even a full-length novel, which we really hope becomes the next great America masterpiece (we can all dream can’t we). Some of us have a website or blog that we write on once in a while, once a month, once a week, a few times a week, to even once a day. We want to share our thoughts, hopes, dreams, and inspirations with those around us. The words on our pages become a part of us as we share it … [Read more...]
New Monday Weekly Thread: Book Feature
I'd like to formally announce that as of today, I am starting a new weekly thread every Monday for featuring books that have either been released or are going to be. Please stop by every Monday for the latest post. On rare occasions I will have a feature book or series on either Wednesday or Thursday. If you would like to have your book featured, please go to the "Featured Book Request" page located at the top of this website. Fill out the form with the book(s) you'd like to have featured … [Read more...]
The amazing fiction writing journey
I sit at home after having spent a day going through email and editing the next chapter in my book with my main character Katalina Russo. As I sat going through the many critiques received for the chapter, I ran into one that put to the side until the end as it talked about how I could add more to the scene, basically as the saying goes with writers, I could add some meat and flesh to the bones. So I contemplated on how to better bring to life the scene. In the end, this person was right. … [Read more...]
The “Softening”
In a month, Mari will have been gone for four years. I have talked several times over the last four years in how the day she died is not an anniversary as this signifies happiness to me. My eighteen year wedding anniversary was this past February. That is a happy time. Mari’s death, anything but. However, I have come to call it the mark. When Mari died I became wrapped up in the utter sorrow and sadness of it all. My heart felt like it had been ripped open and a gaping would left in its … [Read more...]
Pursuing true happiness, I mean joy
When I look at those around us and the hustle and bustle that is constantly going on around us, it seems like everyone is in the pursuit of true happiness. Some think their pursuit of money will bring them their desired happiness. Yet, at the end of the day, it never brings anyone happiness. In fact, it only seems to make people more miserable and unhappy as the inanimate object of money can do nothing for them. Some think their pursuit of making and finding new friends will bring them … [Read more...]
Being Thankful
You know the old saying, “God works in mysterious ways?” Well, I so believe that can happen in so many different ways. I think back on my writing journey and I’m amazed at where it has ended up. I first started looking at how to publish Mari’s book on March 5, 2011. I joined Createspace. It is a subsidiary of Amazon.com. It was really neat to be part of a community of writers for the first time in my life. For me, I had no interest whatsoever in fiction writing. All I was looking for was … [Read more...]
I would like to introduce you to…
If you are new to my writing, you may not know I also have another website in dedication to my beloved angel in heaven. Please take a moment to stop by and check it out. This website is apart of me and if you would like to get to know me better as a writer, please stop by to see what I have to say over there. My latest post is called Hitting "The Mark." http://mommysangelinheaven.com/2012/05/22/hitting-the-mark/ My sincerest hope is that my writing may touch your life in some way. Thank … [Read more...]
Needing prayer please
It has come to my attention by a close friend that I may need to rewrite some of what I wrote below. My husband is the love of my life and in no way do I want to shed him in a bad light. If I have done that I am truly sorry. I will put *** by the part where I have rewritten this post so you know where to start if you are looking for the update. Thank you. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am reaching out right now to all my … [Read more...]
I’m so excited…
It is such an exciting time for me as I begin my new writing journey here with you. I started this website so I could connect with my readers and those who have yet to find me. I want this website to be another extension of who I am. This will enable you to get to know who I am a little bit better. I plan to start writing about the projects I am currently working on as well as any other tidbits that might interest you along this journey. You will be able to get to know the characters I've … [Read more...]