In one word: Alaska. To start with, it has to be one of the most beautiful places that I’ve not only been to but lived before. I mean, Colorado Springs, Colorado, was gorgeous. Keith and I loved it there. In fact, we’ve talked about retiring there since we left back in 1997 when Keith got off active duty the first time. We fell in love with the beauty that surrounded us. We loved the mountain back drop. It was just nice.
I’d have to say that Alaska tops Colorado. Not only do we have mountains surrounding us as a backdrop but the ocean is as well where the mountain are not. Summer is one of the kewlest things here as well. There basically isn’t night-time. At 3 o’clock in the morning you still have sunlight. No, the sun itself isn’t blaring in the sky but it’s so light out that it messes with your internal clock. There would be times where our little girl would still be outside playing at 10 o’clock at night because you just don’t realize what time it is and all the other kids are still out, too. I mean, who does that. Yet, here in Alaska it’s more of the norm.
Now, we are coming into fall right now. We definitely have nighttime now. By 9pm at night it is really dark. I figure by middle of November we will no longer have the sun showing except for maybe a little around noon to 1 time period I’m guessing. It will be interesting as we try to acclimate to the no sunlight. I honestly don’t think it will bother us all that much because my husband and I are homebodies. We honestly love being on our computers and staying home. I guess we will know by the end of Winter how much we like or hate it. I’m think we like it just fun but who knows. I’ll keep you all posted.