Today is Week 2 Day 3 of the study, and before we get further into studying the Bible, she first has us pray so that our heart will be able to hear what the Holy Spirit has to tell us and to have us slow down so we can hear Him speak. In doing this He will be able to stretch us as we do our study today. I truly feel every time I take the time to pray before I dig deeper into God’s Word, I’m able to understand it so much better than when I don’t.
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1. For question one, she has us further expand upon the main idea we found in 1 Corinthians 13 on Week 2 Day 2.
a. How is the truth manifested in today’s churches? Families? Believers? World?
In churches today so many are missing the mark. They allow secular views about being tolerant, politically correct, or the women’s liberation movement to infiltrate our churches where women can become preachers/ministers, homosexuals are allowed to not only “come out” but hold prominent roles within the church, that pastors/ministers no longer preach about sin and going to hell but instead talk about what makes everyone “feel good.” This is not love but the devil leading so many astray. He’s leading people down the wrong path. Love, God’s love, doesn’t hide or leave ANYTHING out. It’s because He loves us He makes sure to tell us the good along with the bad as well.
In our families the truth isn’t always obvious, especially when you have a home of non-believers. I think in a home of believers, they try to do their best to show, model, the truth of what love really is, but we are all sinners and our humanness breaks through. We can allow even the small things to tear us apart if we’re not careful. We must always remember to put God first in our families as He will be our example of the love we all seek and need.
With believers I think we all try our best to love one another as God wants us to, as it’s written in verses 4-8a, but again we’re human. Sin can stop us from both giving the love God wants us to give as well as receive love given from others and sometimes even God. When we remember to put God first in our lives above all else then the love we need in our lives becomes easier to give and receive.
With the world, only God can change the hearts of so many. As a whole, the world is headed down a very wrong path. It’s been prophesied that ultimate destruction will happen to so many because they’ve turned from the truth, from God. He doesn’t want all the bad to happen in the world like it is today, but He also wants us to obey Him. To do the right thing instead of our sinful ways.
b. What does the passage tell you about God?
That no matter what happens in my life, love conquers all. Love matter most. That no matter what we do we can always have God’s love. He’s waiting to give it to us. We just have to freely accept His love in return.
It tells us He understands us deep down inside. Even if we feel alone on this earth that we’re never truly alone as He’s always with us.
Who is He here?
He’s the One whom we can count on in all things. He’s a constant. Never leaves us.
What part of His character is exhibited?
The kind, generous character. The One who is always willing to forgive no matter what sin we have done. A very generous God. I hold awe for Him because even when I have doubts He accepts ME as I am. He knows everything there is to know about me, all my flaws, all the good stuff and bad stuff and accepts me. Does He encouragement to change and try to better myself? Absolutely. The thing to remember that at the end of the day, I’m good enough in His book.
What is His best name here?
Father is the best name. I say this because it’s a father who will love you no matter what. Sometimes there might be tough love because we have to learn a valuable lesson. He still loves us in the end.
c. Process through the main word or phrase that leaped off the page. Write as your mind works.
My first instinct is to say love is the main word that leaps off the page at me, but it’s so much more than that one word. It’s a way to strive toward living our lives. When we love like God is showing us here we can find a joy in our lives that is so precious we’ll never want to let it go. It’s through loving God that we can truly love others in the end. When we forget God in the mix we can be too easily tripped up by the devil as he’s waiting in the shadows to pounce. God’s love for us is perfect. We will never have or give perfect love but we can certainly strive toward it.
d. Write about any detail the Spirit helps you notice.
That we will continue to learn throughout our lives to love the way God wants us to. I think it will be a never-ending classroom of sorts to where He will continually show us when we’ve derailed. We have to remember that no matter what happens in our lives we are never alone and can never do this by ourselves because it just won’t work. God really does know what He’s doing. We just have to trust that.