I think I can sum that up with just one word: A Writer. Well, I guess that was two words, but still, I’ve come to realize how much I love writing and that I’ve been given a gift. God has blessed me with this gift and I couldn’t imagine mine life without it now.
If you’d asked me five years ago would I think I’d want to write full-time, I’d have said no. At the time, I was grieving the recent loss of my little girl. I hadn’t even started her dedication website as that was almost two months off yet. And fiction, you can forget it. I had no believe in my ability to do something like that.
And then we fast forward five years and here I am today. Not only am I writing a nonfiction memoir about my daughter‘s life, but I’m also writing my first fiction piece ever. I’ve been learning so much. I’m like a great big sponge who can’t seem to soak in enough knowledge because I constantly want to learn how to improve. To improve means I gain more knowledge that will eventually give me the wisdom I need.
When I was a kid growing up I always wanted to be a nurse. I had a tender heart and thought that would be the perfect profession. I even remember when i was about five-years old having a caricature done where the head is huge and the body is little but the person who did it had me as a nurse. I went all the way through high school wanting to be a nurse and even in the Army that’s what I wanted. Then one day I realized that was so not the profession for me. I don’t handle trauma stuff very well. Now, I can draw someone’s blood or given them and IV. No problem. Have someone’s guts sprawled our or a compound fracture and my stomach goes all twisty on me. So, God hadn’t planned on me being a nurse after all. LOL
However, He had been preparing me my whole to be able to be a writer. I’m able to take everything that has happened to me from the time I was a child until now and use those experiences in my writing.
So I want to be a writer, and I’m loving everyday.