"Fail. Fail again. Fail better." This is a quote by Samuel Beckett. And here is another one by Thomas Edison: “I didn’t fail one thousand times. The lightbulb was an invention with one thousand steps.” I think we hear many times throughout our lifetime how it doesn't matter how many times we fail as long as we keep on trying. If we stop at the 999,999th time, it might have been that millionth time that could've been the one to work. For me, I've been constantly learning about writing both … [Read more...]
Day 23: What Writer’s Do
Man, it is really interesting, yet not surprising, how different we all are when it comes to how we wrote. I just read about a guy who literally sets his alarm for 4am, wakes up in the dark and doesn't turn on a light, puts his computer on his lap making sure his monitor is a black screen, writes for a few hours, goes back to bed, and then wakes back up at 8:30am to edit what he wrote. I couldn't imagine doing all that. As it is, I'm not a morning person. The night hours are when I shine. But it … [Read more...]
Day 19: The Five Characteristics of Good Writing
When I saw today's topic, I was kind of excited to read what another writer thought of as her five best characteristics to writing. I was surprised to find out she didn't even list one. Instead, she went on to talk about always being prepared and the fact there are no cut and dried answers when it comes to writing. Just in the short time I've been writing, I've been told many different things that should or shouldn't be done when you write. For example, using the words 'was', 'were', and … [Read more...]
Day 18: Your Validation Posse
I love this. A validation posse. Before I got into writing seriously I might never have truly understood what this would mean and how important it is as a writer. As for what I do on this site, my validation posse has been those individuals that my writing has somehow touched their life and for those who have left comments to let me know how those words did touch their lives. But writing Mari's book and also my fiction writing, to have just the right posse is more important than I ever … [Read more...]
The Journey with Max Anderson
Please welcome this weeks guest Max Anderson for The Journey. He answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? Confessions of a Reluctant Reader… Only God Could Do This By Max Elliot Anderson My father published over 70 books during his lifetime. Some of his books included a couple of popular kid’s series, yet I never read any of them. I grew up in a family with six other siblings, so it was easy for some things to be missed. In my case, no one noticed that I … [Read more...]
Day 12: Patience
Let me just say that of all the gifts God has bestowed upon me, patience isn't one of them. I might be good at things like scrapbooking, crocheting, cross stitching, computers, and even writing, but I have such a low threshold for being patient. Don't get me wrong, man do I wish it was better. I have come to accept this lack of quality as it is. It's something I have to work on on a day in and day out basis. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with Mari. It was June 12, 1999, only … [Read more...]
The Journey with Lena Nelson Dooley
Please welcome this weeks guest Lena Nelson Dooley for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? God in My Writing Journey I can’t really tell all He has done, because it would fill more than a month’s worth of blogs. He has been ever-present in all my writing journey. He’s opened a number of doors that probably wouldn’t have been opened without Him. I’ll mention a few. Joyce Hart, of Hartline Literary Agency, and I met at the first American … [Read more...]
Day 10: Working Out
When I first glanced at the topic I thought about how I've been trying to work out on a daily basis by walking anywhere from a half hour to as long as 2 1/2 to 3 hours each day. It seems like most people who haven't worked out in a while dread starting a new exercise routine. When you first start out the body tends to become sore from the new way it's being used. But once you've gone a few times the body becomes accustomed to this and you actually begin to love how you feel after a … [Read more...]
Day 7: Jumping Off
I have to laugh. Talk about something hitting home. I have been struggling to get back into my writing. I have a completed first draft of my fiction novel but have been unmotivated to just sit down and edit it. I have several story ideas, that as soon as they pop into my brain, I immediately write them down. Everyone I talk to tells me to just jump in and do it. Yet, I don't no matter how much I should. I could come up with a million excuses, or a better way to say it would be … [Read more...]
The Journey with Carole Brown
Please welcome this weeks guest Carole Brown for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? To Paraphrase Shakespeare . . . To be (a writer) or not to be (a writer). 2012 started out with determination to become published. I was already going through a discouragement period, and I felt little change as the months passed. Tidbits of things should have given me a hint that change was in the air. Or maybe better said, in my … [Read more...]