I think in life there are so many things that can make our hearts begin to race rapidly and our stomachs to do flip-flops all over the place. A new job. The first day of a new school year. Going on a first date. Or even standing up in front of a room of people getting ready to talk. And the list goes on. Nervous energy can either root us to the ground stopping any forward momentum or it can propel us forward giving us the courage we need. Sharing our writing with others is much in the same … [Read more...]
Day 10: Working Out
When I first glanced at the topic I thought about how I've been trying to work out on a daily basis by walking anywhere from a half hour to as long as 2 1/2 to 3 hours each day. It seems like most people who haven't worked out in a while dread starting a new exercise routine. When you first start out the body tends to become sore from the new way it's being used. But once you've gone a few times the body becomes accustomed to this and you actually begin to love how you feel after a … [Read more...]
A Change Coming
Well, after much thought and how I'd like to proceed forward with both this site and my author site, I realized that my 365 day journey I've been doing along with the book A Year of Writing Dangerously: 365 Days of Inspiration and Encouragement that it is more appropriate for my author site than here. And the NaBloPoMo I did here the first month then I moved it this month to my author site where it is more appropriate for here. So why not switch them. So starting on December 1, I plan to start … [Read more...]
Making a change
I've been trying to make NaBloPoMo work here on this site and I've never felt fully comfortable as it's more personal than writing related. Whereas on my daughter's dedication website (mommysangelinheaven.com) I've been doing this 365 day journey through this book called A Year of Writing Dangerously: 365 Days of Inspiration & Encouragement by Barbara Abercrombie. I've been reflecting on what the author has said and writing my post in reference to it. However, what I've come to realize is … [Read more...]
The Journey with Paula Mowery
Please welcome this weeks guest Paula Mowery for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? Growing up, my mother worked at a Christian bookstore. She would bring me books to read and also journals to write in, so I suppose she is partially responsible for my love of reading Christian fiction and my love of writing. I wanted to pass on this love. As an English teacher for middle school students I urged them to find books they could get into, … [Read more...]
Day 172: Hitting the Wall
Hitting the proverbial wall that seems to always pop up when you least expect it and really need it removed as soon as possible. Yet, there it stands before you blocking your way for whatever it was that you were doing. I can't remember the amount of times I've hit a wall and seem like my foot have rooted themselves in the ground making me unable to move forward in any way at all. So, what should you do when you come up against what seems like an impenetrable wall? Personally, I say get out … [Read more...]
The First Blog Post I Ever Wrote
Blogs. There are so many of them out there today and the plethora of topics that each one is on can seem to never end. After my daughter pasted, my grief ran so deep. I bought a new diary (yes, I still call my journal a diary :) ) to write all those thoughts constantly swimming around in my head. I needed an outlet to be able to just vent. Then approximately three months later I had all those words I just had to get written down. So I sat down at my dining room table and began to write those … [Read more...]
Day 167: Writing Space as a Metaphor
It's interesting that in life how different we all really are. No two people will do something the same way. Even as writers, we must remember to be true to ourselves instead of trying to copy another writer as it will come off fake. In the end, we must keep our own voices when we write. Reader can tell when we don't. Well, my writing space, typically, is in my living room in my big comfy cozy rocker/recliner with my feet up, my lapdesk on my lap with my laptop on top of that, my mousepad and … [Read more...]
The Journey with Jamie Adams
Please welcome this weeks guest Jamie Adams for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? As far back as I can remember I’ve had a fondness for lined paper. Add a sharpened pencil into the mix and my fingers start to twitch. It’s always been easier for me to express myself in writing rather than speaking aloud. I was the quiet kid in school whose favorite part of the test was the essay section. My mother took us to church every Sunday and I … [Read more...]
Choosing to Fail
Think about this quote: "A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything." —Malcolm X I've heard this before but put another way. The gist is if we never try anything new we will never know if we will succeed. It's those who are willing to fail who become the successful ones. Throughout my life, and especially in my adult life, I've tried many things and have failed many times. I've tried to do several business from home. I've wanted to do many different things. I've slowly learned … [Read more...]