I sit here staring at my precious baby girl’s slide show on this very site. There are so many of her from all different ages. From when she had longer hair to when we finally cut it short so she’d quite using her hair as a chewing device.
The little smile that stares back at you cuts right into my soul. It is something I miss all the time. I haven’t just looked at the pictures in a while and tonight I posted something on the site and then sat there staring at the slide show remember all the times when each photo was taken.
That little angelic angel is so missed. I’m amazed sometimes at how easily the tears can still come. I sit here typing this with tears slowly rolling down my cheeks falling down my face to where they finally drip off onto my clothes.
I don’t think there will ever come a time in my life where I will not cry. Yes, it will be less and less often but they will still come. It just means that in that moment something has retouch the piece of me that will forever hold Mari. And to be honest, it puts a smile on my face to know that the tears will still come. My sincerest hope is that it means I won’t ever forget her and she will always be at the forefront of my mind.
I really don’t think there is a day I don’t think about her. Most of the time it is brief. But the fact remains that I still do. I can lean back in my chair and just look at all the pictures around my house with Mari in them. To see them can put a smile on my face or bring tears to my eyes or even both at the same time.
Thank you Mari for being the precious little angel you were while God had you in our lives. Just know we miss you but someday we will be reunited. It may seem like years while on this earth but hopefully it is just in the blink of an eye for you.