A pseudonym. How many writers out there today have them? I know several people within ACFW use them for different purposes.
One writer that comes to mind that uses pseudonyms is Nora Roberts. She was actually born Eleanor Marie Robertson. She uses the Nora Roberts name for her romances. She uses J.D. Robb for her suspense stuff. She’s also written under Jill March and in the UK she writes under Sarah Hardesty.
A pseudonym can keep you private life separate from your writing life or whatever it is you are using a pseudonym for.
Personally, I don’t plan on using a pseudonym. However, I’m not sure yet what I will publish my books under whether it should just be Kristena Tunstall or should I add my maiden name and call myself Kristena Patton Tunstall. More than likely I will just go with the first but it’s kind of fun picking out the name you actually want to use when you go to publish a book.
So how about you. Do you plan to use your legal name or a pseudonym?

I love pen names! I knew of a few of Nora Roberts pen names, but not the one that she uses in the UK. I wonder if it gets confusing. haha
Chrys Fey is actually my pen name. đŸ™‚
Chrys, I think you could have with pen names if you really wanted to. I’ve only read one series by Nora Roberts, her Bridal Quartet series and I loved it. However, the ones by J.D. Robb, not my kind of genre. As for what my books will go by, more than like I will use no pen name and simply go by Kristena Tunstall, but we will see. đŸ˜€
I write under my maiden name…not sure if that counts! It does tend to be rare, though, I’ve found. I bought stephaniefaris.com in the mid-90s and stephanieberry.com belongs to an actress.
Stephanie, I was thinking about writing under my maiden name or even having my name be Kristena Patton Tunstall, but I’m still not sure. I know I will have to make that decision once the time comes when my book is publish. I only purchased kristenatunstall.com around a year-and-a-half to two year ago, but then Kristena Tunstall is a more unique name. I guess in that sense I’m fortunate.