I sometimes used to think of Mari as my little jumping bean due to how much energy she could exude.
Right before Mari got sick I’d ordered this trampoline for the backyard. When it came in we had invited part of Keith’s family over to help us put it up as Mari was going to love having this. As we were laying out the pieces and checking off all the parts, one of the critical pieces you needed to put it together ended up being missing. So we had to put it all back away. And you’ve probably guessed already that the trampoline never did get put together in the end. We got ahold of the place and they sent us the replacement part but it went to our old address. Only two weeks later Mari was sick and she never got to use it.
I know Mari would have loved it because when we’d got out to California to visit family, one of Keith’s cousins had a trampoline. Mari had the time of her life. She was giggling so loudly and had big smiles. What I wouldn’t have paid to see that twinkle in her eye as she jumped on her new trampoline.
In the end, we ended up giving the never before used trampoline to a family from the church we used to attend. My hope is that they were able to get some enjoyment out of it.