I thought I’d share a site with you that maybe you’re not aware of. Ever want to find a really great Christian book and don’t want to go to some place like Amazon to find it? You can go to this website FictionFinder.com.
Fiction finder has almost every Christian author you can think of as well as every genre. You can search by title, author, ISBN, publication date, genre, social issue, or even by the type of content in the book such as how much mystery you want in a book, romance, conflict, violence, spirituality, and several more to choose from.
I have found this website to be so helpful. As a reader, you can also leave reviews for any of the books you’ve read. If you find a book you’d like to check out further or buy, there is a link that takes you to amazon.com to buy the book, have a closer look inside, or even to leave a review on the website. I love this website as it’s helped me a lot. Thank you to ACFW for creating it.