When I write about Mari, I’m paying attention to my internal thoughts and feelings I have at the time. She will be at the forefront as I write out the words on the screen. For me, it’s knowing I’m being truthful about what I’m feeling at the time. It helps me to grieve for her and heal at the same time.
Sometimes it’s when I’m feeling sad and really missing her. Other times it’s about the happy memories I have of her. I know all of this requires me to pay attention to my thoughts and feelings at the time so I can portray them correctly on the paper. My sincerest hope is that it comes across in that manner. I think being true to myself helps Mari’s memory to live on as they learn about her through my writing.
I think in life, we all need to pay closer attention to the things around us. There is so much going on today. For me, it’s my family and friends, and making sure that I’m there for them when possible.