A mentor is someone who pushes you in a way that you endeavor to improve whatever it is you are working on. Some mentors are calm and sweet and help you in a more positive way, whereas other might yell at you and tell you to do specific things. However, if the first just doesn’t get you motivated to do what you need to do whereas the second one does, then go find yourself a mentor who does just that. Those are the kinds that can push you in way you never knew they could. And if you ended up … [Read more...]
Archives for September 9, 2013
What if money were no object
That isn't a hard one. I know there are the typical answers like traveling the world, or buying your dream house or car (or both :) ). But that is more materialistic than what I'd want to do. First, I'd want to start the scholarship program in my daughter's memory. For those of you who don't know me very well, my daughter had severe classic autism. And finding good teachers who not only want to teach but want to teach child with autism and also have the patience to do it at the same time are … [Read more...]