You might be asking yourself, "What in the heck is she talking about?" Well, here is a quote from the book that I think speaks volumes: "Annie Dillard in an interview once ranted that computers can create huge mushrooming paragraphs. Sometimes with these computer keys I feel like I’m doodling on a piano or writing on water. It’s too easy to revise, to slash and burn without letting the writing cool, or even worse, to blither on and on into lethal mushroom clouds of words." When I read that … [Read more...]
Archives for April 27, 2013
X is for eXtraordinary
Mari was and will always be remembered for her eXtraordinary personality. I know that technically eXtraordinary doesn't start with an X but not a single word in the dictionary I found could be used to describe Mari. So I decided to be creative like we used to do on road trips when I was a kid. We'd play the alphabet game and because it was next to impossible to find words that started with an X so we were allowed to use a license plate if it had one or if the second letter, like eXit, could … [Read more...]