Well, I took a pregnancy test today. Now, before you get excited, it was negative.
With today technology age and the Smart Phone, there are so many kewl things you can do. Well, I have the iPhone 4. I started with the 3g. I love my phone other than the keyboard is a touch screen instead of an actually keyboard. I mess up texting more times than I can count because I can’t actually touch the screen.
Back to the reason I bring up my phone. As they say, “There’s an app for that.” Yes, there is an app that is called “iPeriod” to help women keep track of their time of the month. I won’t go into details for those men out there how are simply not interested. However, the best part of this app is keep account of every single one since I started using the app back May 29, 2009. It averages out your period to give you an anticipated day your next one will come.
Well, I have never been one of those women that when twenty-eight days comes along and I have missed one that I know I am pregnant or something is wrong. Mine has always fluctuated.
I figured this past weekend it was going to start so I brought lots of “stuff” with me to the women’s retreat to be prepared. Well, it never came. By Monday night I decided to check the app. It said I was 4 or 5 days late at that time. Checking my past history, I have gone anywhere from 26 days all the way to 35 days in between. Well, today I have 37 days in between. I decided to buy a pregnancy test to see if it could possibly be.
Keith and I have infertility issues. The likelihood of me getting pregnant is like me being able to walk up to the White House and asking to see the President and the Security Guard says, “Sure, go on in.” In other words, slim to none.
I know it only takes one. From a medical stand point it just can’t happen. However, God granted us Mariana. We had the same issues as we have now, only they have gotten worse since then. But I know if God wanted us to have a baby he would make it happen. I am thankful for the two kids we are now raising that He has put in our lives. They are two very special kids and they just pull at your heart strings. It is interesting how things work out.