Today has been an interesting day as I try to take “Her Hospital Story” and make it into a full length book. I came to a section where it kind of stumped me as to how I really should write it.
I have so many things that I feel are so important to make sure they are included in this story to get it right. Probably the most important is the emotional aspect. I want the reader to be able to feel how I felt during this time. And to do this requires that I tap into those emotions from that time period.
Let me just say that is not an easy task. Unless you’ve lost a child, it is really hard to try to understand what a parent has gone through. One of the things I want this book to be able to do is help those individuals out that who have never experienced this to have kind of an understanding, at least from one parents perspective, that is was like to the best of my ability.
I know before I lost Mari I had no earthly clue. I couldn’t even imagine it. And then when it did happen, there are no words to describe the kind of pain and heartache you feel. Yet, I am going to try to show it through this book somehow.
Just from the comments I have received, private emails and talking to people in person that Mari’s hospital story has already made an impact on so many people’s lives. All I can hope for is that by writing this book I will be able to touch an even bigger audience that I might not have other wise.
My hope is that when anyone reads this story, that while it is tragic and unexpected, they will still be able to feel the hope and love that God has given me and that through it all He was my strength as I went through that terrible time. I feel blessed to have had Mari as my daughter and will always love her.