What if we had all the time in the world each and everyday to do whatever we wanted. Well, I can’t just name one thing as there are so many I’d love to be able to do all the time.
1. Spending quality time with my family. I think this goes without saying. 😀
2. I’d love to be able to read as much as I want when I wanted to several hours throughout the day. Reading for pleasure. Reading to improve my writing. Reading nonfiction. I love to read.
3. I’d love to be able to have as much time as I needed to both write and edit. There’s only one caveat to that. I also want to be consistently motivated at the same time. I’d not want to allow my grief for my daughter to stop me from doing something I love to do.
4. I’d love to watch movies and have access to an endless number of them so I’d never have to watch the same movie twice unless I wanted to.
My list could go on but those are my top four. How about you, if you had all the time you needed every day to do whatever you wanted, what would be yours?