I like what Jen Hatmaker had to say in chapter 2, page 26, “…the truth is, we approach God’s Word without any strategies to make it come alive.” When I first read this I realized just how true that statement is. I’ve always look at the Bible as something, obviously, very important. I knew God had given it to all of us as sort of a manual for how to live our lives, how we should treat ourselves as well as others, to know how to get to know Him more. It’s a book like no other out there today. However, to think of it coming alive, while it makes sense, has been kind of foreign to me. Yet, Jen explains it in such a way that I finally realized that when you really dig in and start to study the Bible further it can and does become alive for you.
Here are some other great quotes from chapter 2:
Page 28, “God has always been orderly, and we are called to mirror His image.”
Page 32, “The Bible—all of it—is a catalyst for change.”
Page 34, “God’s Word is ignited by processing it with Him deliberately.”
Psalm 119:12,18
Blessed are You, O Lord;
Teach me Your statutes….
Open my eyes, that I may behold
Wonderful things from Your law.
Praise be to You, O Lord;
teach me Your decrees….
Open my eyes that I may see
wonderful things in Your law.
Lord, You should be praised.
Teach me Your demands….
Open my eyes to see the Wonderful things
in Your teachings.
The Voice
[standout fx=”highlighter”]You are blessed, O Eternal One;
instruct me in what You require….
Let me see clearly so that I may take in
the amazing things coming from Your law.[/standout]
Page 161
1. How would you describe your personal time in the Word right now?
Not very much. I’m teaching homeschool, play COC, watching Fox News, taking Athena to ballet, taking us to counseling once a week, learning to deal with Athena’s Celiac.
The choices to choose from were:
a. Extremely productive; life changing
b. Mediocre; sometimes interesting (when I read it)
c. Frustrating, overwhelming, or confusing
d. Nonexistent
e. Other:
Well, I chose ‘d. Nonexistent.’ As per my answer above, I can come up with lots of reasons (excuses) why I’m not.
2. Why did you choose the description you did? Write about why it’s mediocre, frustrating, or whatever answer you picked.
I chose nonexistent because that’s what it is. I haven’t been involved in a Bible study in over a year. I don’t just open the Bible to read it. I either don’t have the time or the time I have free I want to do what I want like watch Fox News for play COC. I know that may sound terrible, but that’s how it’s been for me for a while now.
3. When you sit down with the Bible, what are your methods? For instance, do you identify with any of the following methods? If so, how?
a. Random approach (I open where, read whatever)
b. Quick fix (a couple of minutes a day at best)
c. Subject limits (I’ll learn what I want)
d. Easy road (I’ll read what I already know)
e. Dead fish (I read passively with no interaction)
f. Marathon Christian book reader (It’ almost Bible study, right?)
g. Inconsistent chick (Is one out of seven days okay?)
I guess ‘g’ probably best describes me.
4. How do your methods relate to your answers to questions 1 and 2 from yesterday [Week 1 Day 1]? How do your methods influence your attitude toward studying Scripture?
I think it matches up to 1 and probably 2 in some instances.
As far as methods influencing my attitude, it probably does.
5. Look up the following psalms, write the verses in your journal, and pray them out loud. Ask God to specifically illuminate any of your study methods that aren’t productive—big or small. Ask Him what He’d like you to change.
Psalms 26:2-3
Test me, O Lord, and try me,
examine my heat and my mind;
for Your love is ever before me,
and I walk continually in Your truth.
Lord, try me and test me.
Look closely into my heart and mind.
I see Your love.
I live by Your truth.
The Voice
[standout fx=”highlighter”]Put me on trial and examine me,
O Eternal One!
Search me through and through—from
my deepest longings to every
thought that crosses my mind.
Your unfailing love is always before me;
I have journeyed down Your path of truth.[/standout]
Psalm 119:66,173
Teach me knowledge and good judgement,
for I believe in Your commands….
May Your hand be ready to help me,
for I have chosen Your precepts.
Teach me wisdom and knowledge
because I trust Your commands….
Always be ready to help me
because I have chosen to obey Your commands.
The Voice
Help me to learn good judgement and knowledge
because I believe Your commandments….
Let Your hand be poised to help me
because I have chosen to live by Your precepts.
Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
God, examine me and know my heart.
Test me and know my thoughts.
See if there is any bad thing in me.
Lead me in the way you set long ago.
The Voice
Explore me, O God, and know the real me. Dig deeply and discover who I am.
Put me to the test and watch how I handle the strain.
Examine me to see if there is an evil bone in me,
and guide me down Your path forever.