Please welcome this weeks guest Emilie Hendryx for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey?
In the Midst of the Journey
I’ve always loved reading and writing. Ever since I was a little girl, I can remember dreaming up ideas, creating imaginary places, and compiling all of the elements of a good story into a play session with my stuffed animals. At that time, I didn’t know much about the fundamentals of writing or story telling, I just knew books could take you to places you’d never been and I wanted in on creating that magic myself.
As the years progressed, I started penning these ideas into solid form. My best friend Steffani and I would dream up our next great story and exchange notebooks filled with crude writing and crumpled paper. They were more than just stories to us; they were our own world.
I considered studying creative writing in college seeing as how I’d always done well in English, but the draw to be a musician won out at the time. That couldn’t keep me from writing though. November of my Freshman year of college was my first attempt at writing a novel in a month for National Novel Writing Month. It was more of a whim really, but it pushed me to discover something about myself. I didn’t just like to write an occasional short story or song lyrics…no, I wanted to write novels—lots of them!
Since that first NaNoWriMo, I’ve written five full-length novels and have started three more. I’m still pursuing publishing, but I’ve realized so much about myself since that first novel. It takes more than just a good idea to sustain a book. It takes long hours, late nights, and not seeing your friends much for weeks at a time if you’re going to make any progress. It takes dedication. But the one thing I know for certain (without even being published yet) is it is so worth it.
When I joined American Christian Fiction Writers last year, I found a community that opened my eyes to the real-life struggles of other authors just like me. They are facing what I am, having to work a full-time job and skimp hours on the side to spend on writing. I also discovered other women in my church who have the same fascination with writing. Spending time with them, recommending books, and sharing ideas have been the best refreshment for my weary soul when I’m tempted to give up.
When you’re a writer, you don’t write because of who may read your book, you write because it’s in your very make-up. It’s a God-given ability. That is the knowledge that brings me the most hope and the most excitement for the future of my writing. In the writing world I’m still very young, but I believe in the message of my stories and hope to see them published someday.
What keeps you writing?
Short Bio:
Emilie is a small town girl who moved to the big city. Now living in Los Angeles, she is a writer, photographer/owner at E.A. Creative Photography, and a musician. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers organization and loves to read and write Christian fiction in addition to writing her blog Thinking Thoughts. She believes in doing all things for God’s glory (1 Cor. 10:31) and her passion for Christ fuels everything she does. She also likes spending time with the girls from the high school youth group she volunteers with and, in her free time, you can find her curled up with a book and a cup of coffee.
Social Media
Instagram: www.instagram/eahendryx
Photography Website:
Emilie, thank you for sharing your journey with us. I so understand where your at in how in the end we just keep persevering and moving forward with our writing because we love to do it.
I believe in you. <3
They say, never, never, never give up. Writing becomes who we are. There’s a wonderful book on the subject by Terry Burns and Linda Yezeak, It has helped me not only with some writing How Tos, but also an insightful look into the Christian writer, and why we do what we do. May the Muse always be kind to you, Emily.
Oops, the book title didn’t appear: Writing in Obedience.
Emilie, I can hear your love for writing in your words. They sound like a symphony. You are a writer! I can’t wait to read your first published novel. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Grace and peace to you.