In life there are times where things are at a sprint. We must get them done as soon as possible. The urgency is critical. So we put in all our might and effort to get done whatever it is as soon as possible. At the end we are exhausted, if not physically, most definitely mentally. Yet, we have a sense of accomplishment for being able to have done it to begin with. However, what about those things that take a long time to complete like getting a new business up and running? Or maybe a new house? … [Read more...]
The Journey with Sally Bradley, Part 1 of 2
Please welcome this weeks guest Sally Bradley for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? in a two-part series. The first half having posted today. On Sunday, October 13, 2013, Part 2 posted. I hope you will enjoy her journey as much I have. One of the most amazing things about God is that He is well able to take true disasters in our life and bring good from them. Any Christian writer certainly knows this. My writing journey began a … [Read more...]
Day 149: The DVD in Your Head
Whether you are a writer or not have you ever had an idea that just goes round and round in your head until you do something about it. As a writer, it might be your story and your characters constantly talking to you. Or maybe a scene that is playing out before you. For me, I've relieved what happened to Mari in the hospital more times than I can remember. It's something that's always there and can easily be brought to mind. I think it's because it will forever be apart of me and is embedded … [Read more...]
Day 142: Writers with a View
Have you ever just sat and looked out your window at the world around you and thought, "Wow, that could be a story"? When you're a writer, the world around you can always be a story. I was talking to a friend the other day and she was telling me about the drama that was going on with a friend and her life and I told her, "Wait, that's totally a story." And thing is, what she told me is so bizarre that it really could be a story. I think when I'm either looking at the world around me or talking … [Read more...]
“Just Because”
The "Just Because" gift. I love giving these kind of gift to someone else. Maybe I see something in the store I know they will like or that reminds me of that person. Or maybe I know the person needs some help with something so I try to either help them or find something I can give them that might help. When I hear, "Thank you, but you didn't have to." I just reply, "No I didn't but I wanted to." Isn't that what giving is supposed to be about. How many times out there today that someone gives a … [Read more...]
Should I get paid?
That's a good question. I love to do things on the computer, especially website design and creating graphics. When someone reaches out and asks for help, I love to say I can help because I have the experience behind me. Never is there a thought of, "Well, I should get paid for this." To me, that would be the wrong reason to do this to begin with. And it's not that I don't need the money. It just that I'd rather know that I'm helping a friend or fellow writer out to where they couldn't have done … [Read more...]
Do we take the easy or the hard way?
Well, this week I was more productive than I thought I'd be. I was able to rewrite out a new scene. Then while I was talking to a friend on Facebook just chatting away an idea came to me that might help to enhance the scene even better. But then a question came to my mind. "Is it worth all the effort to try and write the scene in the new way or take the easy route and just leave it be?" Well, I think our gut instinct, if we are honest with ourselves, is to take the easy way as it's just that: … [Read more...]
Day 135: Mentors
In life it is so important to find someone, or more than one person, who can mentor you in whatever you are doing. For me, I love being able to talk to other writers who have more experience than I do who can help me to become a better writer. In doing this, I’ve been able to open myself up to the help needed. You have to allow yourself to be guided in order to become better. The old adage about knowledge and wisdom is so true when it comes to writing. You may have all the knowledge in the … [Read more...]
The Journey with Jean Davis
Please welcome this weeks guest Jean Davis for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? Ben cheats. I was at a meeting of a Christian writers’ group a few years ago. We’d been given a writing prompt with fifteen minutes to write. I didn’t want to read out loud the drivel I’d come up with. But when it was Ben’s turn, he received accolades. “That’s great, Ben! You wrote that just now?” someone asked. “How did you do that? Your piece … [Read more...]
What Do I Want To Be
I think I can sum that up with just one word: A Writer. Well, I guess that was two words, but still, I've come to realize how much I love writing and that I've been given a gift. God has blessed me with this gift and I couldn't imagine mine life without it now. If you'd asked me five years ago would I think I'd want to write full-time, I'd have said no. At the time, I was grieving the recent loss of my little girl. I hadn't even started her dedication website as that was almost two months off … [Read more...]