You might be thinking, "What in the world does Seinfeld's calendar have to do with writing?" It's simple. He, too, is a writer. A writer of comedy. He knows how to make people laugh. He was so good he even got his own TV show that went on for years. Personally, I was never a fan of him or his show, but millions of people were and still are, so much so that his show remained on for years. Here's the thing. Did he become popular overnight or do you think he worked at it several years while he … [Read more...]
Day 64: Writing Is Not Pretty
Are you a little confused by today's title? To be honest, so was I. So I got to thinking. When we're writing a book, or a play, or a blog post, or whatever type of writing that needs to be done, our first drafts are anything but pretty. There are grammar mistakes galore (even though in our head it was perfect :( ). We have all the spelling errors that either our auto-correct didn't change our word automatically or we really messed up the spelling (gotta love spell check, a writer's best friend). … [Read more...]
Day 56: No Drama
In life I think we all wish we could lead a drama-free life. It sometimes feels like my family, not my immediate, there always seems to be some kind of drama. From my sister to whatever made up story she's told recently to something with my brother to something with one of Keith's brothers. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who has family members who automatically bring with them drama. But when we sit down to write, and we're in our own world in our own little bubble and the only drama we … [Read more...]
Day 55: One Lie Leads to Another
This puts a smile on my face. All our lives we are told lying is bad. It's a sin. And then you become a writer of fiction. Now you have the freedom to tells as many lies as you want to because now you're creating a story. When we go to read a book, we don't think about how it's a completely made up story. A story the writer has spent hour upon hour writing and editing all from the made up story in the recess of the author's head. Personally, I can't wait for the day when my first book is … [Read more...]
Day 54: The Beginning Writer
It's interesting to think that when you are staring at a blank piece of paper, or in many cases today, a blank document on the computer screen, that we are all beginning writers. As far as literally, someone who's had several books published or been writing for several years is not a beginning writer. A beginning writer is someone like me. Someone who has recently begun to write. I have no published books. I don't have several books I've written waiting to be published. I just have two books … [Read more...]
Day 52: The Writer as Spy
As a writer we tend to get our ideas for the stories from so many places. We watch a man and woman kiss next to the ocean. Some kids are playing baseball and one of the kids just hit a home run. Two girls are standing in a corner yelling at each other for what seems to be about a sweater. Even watching television can spur on new ideas from something you watch. NCIS had a man stand over a dead body drenched in blood but he says he didn't do it. Or your watching Grey's Anatomy and a woman who … [Read more...]
Day 51: Nothing New Under the Sun
Stories. There are literally thousands upon thousands of stories out in the world today. So, let's say you have a great, new idea that pops into your head while you're eating breakfast. You have to get it written down right away so you don't miss one word of it. You put the idea in your box/basket/folder, or wherever you keep story ideas, and you continue what you're doing. A couple of days later you decide to pick up a new book to read. You start to read it and sure enough, right there in front … [Read more...]
Day 47: The Writer’s Club
As a writer, we have all joined a special club that I'm happily a member of: The Writer's Club. It doesn't take much to join. Actually, it's relatively painless. Simply put, you just have to write. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less. I joined the writer's club while my daughter lay before me getting sicker over those 16 days. At the time, I didn't even know I had joined. I was accepted without question. And all I had done was relay information to family and friends about Mari's … [Read more...]
Day 45: Stubborn and Stupid
I think at some point in our lives we are stubborn and can make some really stupid mistakes. Being stubborn is good in writing because if we were to stop writing after receiving our first rejection letter, there would only be a few books in the world today. I know I have made plenty of stupid mistakes throughout my lifetime. It's how I've learned to not make those same ones over and over again. As a writer we will make tons of them. It's okay. How can you learn to be a better writer if you … [Read more...]
Day 44: Sad Flailing and Panic
Look at the following quote. "Writing is magic, as much the water of life as any other creative art. The water is free. So drink. Drink and be filled up." —STEPHEN KING I would have to agree with Mr. King. No, you will never ever see me reading one of his novels (talk about nightmares for days). However, finding out that even a writer as good as he is gets writer's block and he looks at writing the same way I do makes it so I can relate to him. We all have those time where we panic because … [Read more...]