About three and half years ago I sat down one evening and interviewed someone who is very near and dear to me: my husband Keith. I did this as an assignment for my creative writing nonfiction college class I was taking at the time. I thought I would share this interview with all of you now. My sincerest hope is you will be as moved as those I initially shared this with. As it is about 3,000 words long, this will be broken up into two segments. One today and one tomorrow. Please comment and let … [Read more...]
Pursuing true happiness, I mean joy
When I look at those around us and the hustle and bustle that is constantly going on around us, it seems like everyone is in the pursuit of true happiness. Some think their pursuit of money will bring them their desired happiness. Yet, at the end of the day, it never brings anyone happiness. In fact, it only seems to make people more miserable and unhappy as the inanimate object of money can do nothing for them. Some think their pursuit of making and finding new friends will bring them … [Read more...]
God’s many blessings
As I sit here and go through my emails this fine evening as well as critiquing some of my fellow writer's works in progress, I think about how much I truly love to write. I am not one of those people who felt called to write at the tender age of seven years old and then knew throughout their life this is what they wanted to do. In fact, through high school English was so hard for me that it never even crossed my mind. However, it's amazing when God has other plans for your life. His plans … [Read more...]
I’m so excited…
It is such an exciting time for me as I begin my new writing journey here with you. I started this website so I could connect with my readers and those who have yet to find me. I want this website to be another extension of who I am. This will enable you to get to know who I am a little bit better. I plan to start writing about the projects I am currently working on as well as any other tidbits that might interest you along this journey. You will be able to get to know the characters I've … [Read more...]
After careful consideration and thinking, I decided to start a site under my name to help promote the fiction writing I feel God has inspired me to write and share with all of you. My sincerest hope is that I will be able to connect with my readers and fellow writers in a way that glorifies God according His will and plan. Thank you for stopping by and seeing what I have to say. Please checkout my About Me page as well as subscribing to our site. You can do so by entering your email address … [Read more...]
Writing Fiction
I’ve been writing my first fictional book ever. It has been quite the experience. I will tell you writing fiction is so different than writing a college paper. A year ago when I started this journey, let’s just say, I was a little green behind the ears. I was so naïve to the proper rules and etiquette of fiction. Like the dreaded passive verbs (was/were/had) and ‘ly’ words. These are a big no-no in fiction (who would a thunk). I can remember growing up reading romance novels (starting … [Read more...]
You just never know…
Well, I took a pregnancy test today. Now, before you get excited, it was negative. With today technology age and the Smart Phone, there are so many kewl things you can do. Well, I have the iPhone 4. I started with the 3g. I love my phone other than the keyboard is a touch screen instead of an actually keyboard. I mess up texting more times than I can count because I can’t actually touch the screen. Back to the reason I bring up my phone. As they say, “There’s an app for that.” Yes, there … [Read more...]
It’s kind of amazing…
It kind of amazes me how I started writing. It has taken me a while to even admit that I am writer (out loud). It sounded so foreign to me yet now it is the exact opposite. I am about to write something that for some may come across the wrong way. I need everyone to understand that I truly love my daughter and I would give anything to have her back. She was my pride and joy and that will never change. However, God didn’t plan for her to stay on this earth longer than her eight and half years … [Read more...]
Becoming a Writer
What has writing done for me? Well more than I ever thought even possible. I remember sitting in my high school English class and being just a “C” student. It was hard for me. To get into college I couldn’t even test into English 101. I would have had to go three below and start with English 097. I mean, you really can’t much lower. So for years I have always thought of myself as a terrible writer and that my English writing sucked. By the time I was around 22 or 23 years old I was … [Read more...]
A hole in your heart
When someone close to you dies it leaves a hole in your heart. What I tell people is that a hole was left by our daughter. As the years go by it will get smaller and smaller but it will never completely be filled again until we are in heaven seeing each other again someday. For me, I do not look at the hole as something God is supposed to fill. I think we all have little holes for different tragedies, no matter how big or small, that have happened in our lives. If the hole was to be filled by … [Read more...]