Wow! 2020 is here. 2019 seemed to just fly by. I just looked back at the last post I did, and it was clear back on March 21, 2019. My desire to write has been non-existent. While I think about it quite often, I just never do it. I'm not sure why. After Mari died, I wrote all the time. It felt like I constantly had things I needed to jot down and write out to express how I was feeling. Now, Mari's been gone over 11 years. As a matter of fact, she would've turned 20 on December 29, just three … [Read more...]
Is There Such a Thing as a Perfect Job?
I can remember from the time I was little dreaming of the job I’d want to do when I grew up. My dream to be a nurse started before I was 5 years old. I can remember sitting for an artist who drew one of those silly characters to where you have a little itty bitty body and your head is HUGE. He drew me like this as a nurse. I just knew this is what I wanted to be all through elementary school, junior high, and high school. I applied to colleges based on whether they had a nursing program or … [Read more...]
Nehemiah, The Story Continues…
Wow, another long one. I feel like when I'm on a roll, the words just flow out of me and onto the page. I loved how I can see the Holy Spirit working through me as I was studying just the background of the Book of Nehemiah. I hadn't even gotten into the book itself yet. Today is November 8, 2015 and I'm doing week 4 day 3 of the study guide today. Continuing in the Book of Nehemiah 1. Nehemiah, the actual person, wrote the book more as a memoir than just a simple non-fiction book. A … [Read more...]
Where to Get the Ultimate Guide Book
(While the following post is much longer than normal at almost 2,000 words, please read the entire thing. I reveal some very person things going on in my life at the time. Thank you.) Today is November 6, 2015 and I am on week 4 day 1 of the study guide. During my quiet time, I talk about some very personal stuff but just how much God has been working in my life. When we think of the Bible, it's like the ultimate guide book. It shows us the kind of person we should strive to be. How to act … [Read more...]
Miraculous Breakthroughs (they really do happen)
I did week 3 day 5 of the study guide back on November 5, 2015. This was a huge break-through day for myself as I discovered some things God was showing me. I literally snapped out of a very depressive state. It was one of the greatest feelings I've been through and grateful the Holy Spirit worked through me the way He did that day. Now I'm going to share it with you what I wrote that day. We are asked to turn back to Psalm 68:5-10 for week 3 day 5, only we’re going to use another study … [Read more...]
How to Find God’s Provision and Protection
For week 3 day 4, Jen had us read Psalm 68:5-10 and establish the main idea, turning it into a title. Title: God’s Provision & Protection “Today let’s see what alternate versions can do for your time in the Word. Allow the Spirit to fill your mind with truth as you read the following translations of verse 6: “God makes a home for the lonely; He leads out the prisoners into prosperity, Only the rebellious dwell in a parched land. (NASB) “God set the lonely in families, He leads … [Read more...]
Are You a Good Host?
Wow, I had decided I would continue to post some of what I wrote when I first did Jen Hatmaker's study guide in the back of her book A Modern Girl's Guide to Bible Study. I was trying to find the post I'd started but the draft has disappeared for some reason. As I was scrolling through all my posts, I saw a bunch of drafts. So I decided to open them all up and saw that I'd already typed up about 5 days worth of quiet times from when I did it over a year and a half ago. I figured I might as well … [Read more...]
“All My Movies” is the PERFECT answer
Wow, I've never done this before. I am going to write a review about a software program that I've only just started to use. Here is what our Blu-ray/DVD collection currently looks like (and yes we have almost two full shelving units filled with them :) : The left picture shows all the adult (not for kids) movies and any seasons for shows that we've liked. The right picture show all our Christmas movies, kid-friendly movies, and some workout videos. For years I've wanted to created a … [Read more...]
Day 127: One True Sentence #acfw #365days
In writing, there is both fiction and nonfiction. Obviously, nonfiction is going to be based on a true story or based on something that has happened in real life. However, fiction is all made up in the mind of the individual who writes it. However, even with fiction, there is a little bit of truth behind. I might be wrong, but from what I've experienced and other authors I’ve talked to, they always put a little bit of either themselves and/or people they know into their writing. Not that they … [Read more...]