From the moment we are born we have to go by instinct to get things done. Think about it. No one taught us how to hold our heads up. We just eventually did. No one taught us how to sit up. We just did. No one taught us how to crawl, or walk, or any number of things. We just did. How about that new job you took. Did you know everything you needed to know from the moment you started to work or did instinct have to kick in at some point and just went with the flow? Obviously you need to know some … [Read more...]
He was the first boy I really fell for. It was the summer between my 6th and 7th grade year. We went to the public pool a lot during that year. I got to meet a lot of cute guys, but Justin is the one that stuck out the most. I was 12 and had turned 13 that August. I would be attending junior high and it was a completely new school. That was the summer I also wore my first bikini. I was so shy and bashful about wearing one. I just remember talking to him a lot and hoping that maybe he'd be my … [Read more...]
Day 152: The Eleven-Day Marathon
In life there are times where things are at a sprint. We must get them done as soon as possible. The urgency is critical. So we put in all our might and effort to get done whatever it is as soon as possible. At the end we are exhausted, if not physically, most definitely mentally. Yet, we have a sense of accomplishment for being able to have done it to begin with. However, what about those things that take a long time to complete like getting a new business up and running? Or maybe a new house? … [Read more...]
Day 150: Forgetting How to Write
I think we all have times in our life where we go down a road and then forget why we did so. This happens to me all the time when I'm talking. I'll be talking about something and while doing so I end up explain something that came up and by the time I'm done with this new thing I've completely forgotten what I was talking about to begin with. My train of thought can get derailed so easily. Maybe our minds do this for a reason we can't understand. Or maybe we just have a great forgetter as my … [Read more...]
The Journey with Sally Bradley, Part 1 of 2
Please welcome this weeks guest Sally Bradley for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? in a two-part series. The first half having posted today. On Sunday, October 13, 2013, Part 2 posted. I hope you will enjoy her journey as much I have. One of the most amazing things about God is that He is well able to take true disasters in our life and bring good from them. Any Christian writer certainly knows this. My writing journey began a … [Read more...]
Day 142: Writers with a View
Have you ever just sat and looked out your window at the world around you and thought, "Wow, that could be a story"? When you're a writer, the world around you can always be a story. I was talking to a friend the other day and she was telling me about the drama that was going on with a friend and her life and I told her, "Wait, that's totally a story." And thing is, what she told me is so bizarre that it really could be a story. I think when I'm either looking at the world around me or talking … [Read more...]
What Autumn Brings
In the past when I thought about autumn, or fall, I’d think about how the leaves started to change bring about all the beautiful colors. The vivid reds, oranges, and golds. Or how about the weather and temperature changes. In the lower 48, the temps have changed a whole lot yet, but they are starting to make their decent downward as we make our way towards winter. The mountain peaks, if you live by them, have started to show snow on the tops. It’s a beautiful site to behind. As we drive out … [Read more...]
I'm excited. I've recently found a website that many may have heard of before called BlogHer. Most of us have heard, or even participated in, NaNoWriMo, which happens every November. Well, BlogHer has their own version for those who write blogs only it's every month with a new one word topic to write on throughout the month. It's called NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). I participated in this on my daughter's dedication website Mommy's Angel In Heaven. and it was really kewl. What's … [Read more...]
Serving the ONE
I can remember growing up and going to church when I was in high school and hearing about the missionaries that serve around the world. However, I could never pictures me as one. You basically pick up your life and go to a new place, often times a new culture, and have to start fresh somewhere. It just wasn't my thing and I guess God never called me to be one as my husband never wanted to be one either. The last 20 years we've been together have always had the army apart of them. Even the short … [Read more...]
Joining the Army in High School
When I was 17 and a Junior in high school, an announcement during my 2nd period class one day said that a U.S. Army recruiter would be in the counseling area at lunch if anyone was interested in talking to him. For some, reason it did. Now you might be asking why. I have no earthly idea. Had I ever thought about joining the army before that day? Not once. Never crossed my mind. So at lunchtime I went and talked to the guy. Within a couple of weeks I had signed up on April 19, 1991. That day … [Read more...]