As a writer we tend to get our ideas for the stories from so many places. We watch a man and woman kiss next to the ocean. Some kids are playing baseball and one of the kids just hit a home run. Two girls are standing in a corner yelling at each other for what seems to be about a sweater. Even watching television can spur on new ideas from something you watch. NCIS had a man stand over a dead body drenched in blood but he says he didn't do it. Or your watching Grey's Anatomy and a woman who … [Read more...]
Day 51: Nothing New Under the Sun
Stories. There are literally thousands upon thousands of stories out in the world today. So, let's say you have a great, new idea that pops into your head while you're eating breakfast. You have to get it written down right away so you don't miss one word of it. You put the idea in your box/basket/folder, or wherever you keep story ideas, and you continue what you're doing. A couple of days later you decide to pick up a new book to read. You start to read it and sure enough, right there in front … [Read more...]
I was sitting at my desk this morning and looking at the new flip, desk calendar I have sitting off to my right. I needed to flip the page from yesterday's date to today. On each page is a Bible verse, but I typically don't read the verse and just flip the page (even though I know I should :) ). Well, today was different. I decided to take a moment and read what the verse had to say. And then it hit me. I could share my verse for each day with all of you. Today's verse is just the one I needed … [Read more...]
Day 39: Keeping a Journal
I love keeping a journal. I typically go for long periods of time without writing in it but when I do it becomes a daily ritual. Right after Mari died I told Keith I had to get a journal. What I wrote in there were all my very raw and exposed emotions. Sometimes it felt like I wrote the same things over and over. It's one of the ways that helped me through my grief. And then one day I had tons of thoughts swirling around in my head. But I had a different feeling this time about writing … [Read more...]
Day 31: Dreaming Your Ship
I love this: "If you say your story is fiction, it’s fiction. Period. How much or what part of it is autobiographical is nobody’s business." That was quoted from the author of the book I'm using. As most of you know, I am very new to writing fiction, well writing at all for that matter, but in particularly fiction. It has never once crossed mind to accuse an author that the fiction story he or she has written is anything but fiction. I'm sure there are some people out in the world today … [Read more...]
Day 26: The Trampoline as a Metaphor
Life sometimes can totally surprise us in the most unexpected ways. For instance, a big trampoline. How in the world is a trampoline possibly related to writing? Before I read today's except on the phrase above, I was stumped. Then I started to read how scared to death the woman was by "what looked like a big lake of black water." She said, "I’m here to tell you that it is impossible to be calm and dignified on a trampoline. It is also impossible to feel safe on one. I crawled onto [it] and … [Read more...]
Day 25: Failing Better
"Fail. Fail again. Fail better." This is a quote by Samuel Beckett. And here is another one by Thomas Edison: “I didn’t fail one thousand times. The lightbulb was an invention with one thousand steps.” I think we hear many times throughout our lifetime how it doesn't matter how many times we fail as long as we keep on trying. If we stop at the 999,999th time, it might have been that millionth time that could've been the one to work. For me, I've been constantly learning about writing both … [Read more...]
Day 24: Writing While Drooled Upon
Really, this just means to not let anything get in the way of your writing. I know I could have what seems like a million and one things to keep me from writing. To be honest, I think I let many excuses get in the way of doing so. If I was more disciplined I think I could find the time I need. But, for whatever reason, I can't seem to find the motivation within myself to become disciplined. It's almost like it's a vicious cycle. I know right now it has a lot to do with the time of year. You … [Read more...]
Day 16: Exploding Typewriters, Smoking Computers
I think all of us at some point while plugging away on our computers wish the darn thing would self combust. We either can't figure the darn thing out or it just isn't working like it's supposed to. We'd love to take a sledgehammer to it as it'd feel so good to put the darn thing in its place. Anyone who knows me knows how much of a technology person I am. And learning new electronic things comes so naturally or software programs. The chances are that if I don't know that much about a program … [Read more...]
Day 12: Patience
Let me just say that of all the gifts God has bestowed upon me, patience isn't one of them. I might be good at things like scrapbooking, crocheting, cross stitching, computers, and even writing, but I have such a low threshold for being patient. Don't get me wrong, man do I wish it was better. I have come to accept this lack of quality as it is. It's something I have to work on on a day in and day out basis. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with Mari. It was June 12, 1999, only … [Read more...]