Little Miss Independent is what we used to call Mari. She had a very big independent personality. She preferred to play by herself, watch movies by herself, just about anything by herself. I could sit there, sometimes, and just watch her playing on the floor with whatever it was she was playing with and be utterly content. That is until something didn't go the way she liked or wanted and then we heard about it. She get all upset, start to scream, and then it usually resulted in her messing … [Read more...]
I’m doing it again this year… A to Z Challenge
Some of you may remember that last year I participated in the A to Z challenge on website. I loved it. Each day of the challenge I dedication the posting to Mari in honor of her memory. This year I've decided to do it for both this website as well as my author website ( My hope is you will join me again this year over the next 30 days as I make my way through the alphabet from A to Z. My hope is that you enjoy this next month as much as I will. To give you a heads up of … [Read more...]
Our website has an addition to the header
I had to share something I'm excited about. Almost a year ago I had a major overhaul of the design of Mari's website redone to give it a fresher, more professional look. At the time when the facelift commenced we were getting ready to move and I didn't really have time to find a picture I thought might look good to add to the header. So the designer installed one with a picture on for the time being until we could get to Alaska and I'd have more time to really find some pictures I thought that … [Read more...]
I had to share this: My Top 3 Spiritual Gifts
I took this, I guess you could call it a quiz today about what my spiritual gifts might be and I think it's pretty accurate, for the most part, only I think #3, Exhorter, is more number one than Mercy, but who knows. So, what do you guys think? do you agree with the assessment about me? Your Top Three Spiritual Gifts (1) Mercy The God-given ability to have immediate compassion for those who are suffering combined with great joy in meeting their needs (E.g. the Good Samaritan in Luke … [Read more...]
I was sitting at my desk this morning and looking at the new flip, desk calendar I have sitting off to my right. I needed to flip the page from yesterday's date to today. On each page is a Bible verse, but I typically don't read the verse and just flip the page (even though I know I should :) ). Well, today was different. I decided to take a moment and read what the verse had to say. And then it hit me. I could share my verse for each day with all of you. Today's verse is just the one I needed … [Read more...]
What I’d wish for if I had more time each day
What if we had all the time in the world each and everyday to do whatever we wanted. Well, I can't just name one thing as there are so many I'd love to be able to do all the time. 1. Spending quality time with my family. I think this goes without saying. :D 2. I'd love to be able to read as much as I want when I wanted to several hours throughout the day. Reading for pleasure. Reading to improve my writing. Reading nonfiction. I love to read. 3. I'd love to be able to have as much time as I … [Read more...]
Am I more or less like to complete the NaBloPoMo for December?
I can honestly say I don't know. Don't get me wrong. I will do everything I can to keep up to date with all postings to the best of my ability, but the reality is that life happens, as so many of us know. We have the best of intentions, but as the saying goes, some of the best laid plans can fall apart. More importantly, I'm excited to bring NaBloPoMo back to this site. I feel more at home doing it here. I can more easily talk about Mari, my writing or anything else personal and share that with … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving. It's a time of year where families gather round their tables to eat a big feast of turkey, ham, yams, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, apple pie, pumpkin pie, or whatever family tradition yours might have. But before you eat, many families will go around the table and say what they are thankful for over the past year. Five years ago on this very day I remember how hard it was for me on that first Thanksgiving with Mari gone. (Click here to view the post from … [Read more...]
Day 172: Hitting the Wall
Hitting the proverbial wall that seems to always pop up when you least expect it and really need it removed as soon as possible. Yet, there it stands before you blocking your way for whatever it was that you were doing. I can't remember the amount of times I've hit a wall and seem like my foot have rooted themselves in the ground making me unable to move forward in any way at all. So, what should you do when you come up against what seems like an impenetrable wall? Personally, I say get out … [Read more...]
Day 169: Just Do It
When I think of "Just Do It" Nike always comes to mind. I love their shoes and have worn them for years. But think about those three little words for a moment. They're simple. We can apply this to almost anything we do in life. It like procrastination is a balloon and a needle is the words "Just Do It." We can use that needle to pop our procrastination bubble to get us moving. What's one of the easiest way to do this you might ask. Personally, for me anyway, is to set a deadline. Whether it be … [Read more...]