Life sometimes can totally surprise us in the most unexpected ways. For instance, a big trampoline. How in the world is a trampoline possibly related to writing? Before I read today's except on the phrase above, I was stumped. Then I started to read how scared to death the woman was by "what looked like a big lake of black water." She said, "I’m here to tell you that it is impossible to be calm and dignified on a trampoline. It is also impossible to feel safe on one. I crawled onto [it] and … [Read more...]
Day 22: A Writer’s Lifestyle
I don't think there's a cookie cutter lifestyle to apply to all writers. It would be like saying all stay-at-home moms are great cooks or fantastic at keeping their homes spotlessly clean. With that said, I do think when we're wrapped up in a story we're writing we could allow it to take over our life if we were to let it. Writing seems to come to me in waves. When I'm hot and in the zone, so to speak, all I want to do is write. I don't want to watch TV or movies. I don't want to do any of my … [Read more...]
Day 21: Finding the Spotlight
Own your story. Whether it's fictional, a memoir, or even your own life, just own it. My story, or my life, makes me who I am today. I was abused as a child in all the ways I think there are, to include abandonment (talk about leaving yourself exposed) from my dad, my mom, and even my grandparents through the emotional side. Please don't. Get me wrong. I loved both my grandparents, both of which are now in heaven, and my mom and dad. My mom raised us on her own and she did the best she … [Read more...]
Day 18: Your Validation Posse
I love this. A validation posse. Before I got into writing seriously I might never have truly understood what this would mean and how important it is as a writer. As for what I do on this site, my validation posse has been those individuals that my writing has somehow touched their life and for those who have left comments to let me know how those words did touch their lives. But writing Mari's book and also my fiction writing. To have just the right posse is more important than I ever could … [Read more...]
Day 17: Love Thy Reader
This put a smile on my face. For anyone who has taken the time to read something I've written, it's almost like they are a friend who I'm opening my heart and thoughts to. Both the lighthearted and funny kind to the heart-wrenching and agonizing kind. This website has become a part of me, just like Mari was while on this earth and continues to be while in heaven. For some people things they may read may just be words to them. But they are so much more to me. They are a part of my soul. No, … [Read more...]
Day 15: People in a Jam
It seems like there is always someone we know who is in a jam. Sometimes it might be minor, like their cell phone died and they need to make a call. Other times it might be something worse. However, no matter where we look you can find someone in a jam. How many times in our own lives does this happen? Are you the type of person that no matter what kind of jam you find yourself in you keep it to yourself? Or are you the type that no matter how small the problem (jam) you always ask for help. … [Read more...]
Day 10: Working Out
When I first glanced at the topic I thought about how I've been trying to work out on a daily basis by walking anywhere from a half hour to as long as 2 1/2 to 3 hours each day. It seems like most people who haven't worked out in a while dread starting a new exercise routine. When you first start out the body tends to become sore from the new way it's being used. But once you've gone a few times the body becomes accustomed to this and you actually begin to love how you feel after a … [Read more...]
Day 9: Getting Permission
I wasn't sure what I'd write about when I first saw the topic. In the book it talked about "But from grade school to college, most students would tell him that they didn’t have permission to write about themselves; the teachers gave them the subjects to write about. Established writers would tell him they had to write what editors wanted. If this has a familiar ring to you, or if you feel you need permission to write about yourself or whatever you need to write about, I give you permission. Now … [Read more...]
Day 8: The Voice that Chirps and Chirps
We all have a little voices inside our heads. Sometimes its just one. Sometimes negative. Sometimes positive. And sometimes they even go to war with each other. Kind of like the character Kronk in Disney's movie "The Emperor's New Groove". Whenever he's about to do something he shouldn't, an angel with a halo clothed in white appears on his left shoulder and a guy who seems to appear as a devil with horns and a pitchfork dressed in red pops up on his other shoulder. One represents good. The … [Read more...]
Day 4: Choosing Story Over Relatives
Today's topic sounds strange to me. It almost sounds selfish. I think this strikes me funny because I think family is the most important thing there is. Some people haven't been blessed with a loving and caring family. So to put a story before their family is a no brainer. However, if your family is close, turning your story over them may make you take pause. I know I would never write something to intentionally hurt my family. No matter how screwdriver up we all are they are still MY … [Read more...]