It’s hard to believe I’m already at the end of week 2 (day 6). The time seems to have flown by but I’ve already learned so much. 1. I’m to look over the details of Isaiah 45:8-12 and read through my journal entry for week 2 day 5 to create a title out of the main idea. Title: The Doubt Buster Now Jen is having us look much closer at the details of these verses. She tells us to disconnect my mind from spitting out an easy answer and listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling me. a. Why … [Read more...]
Do you have a Doubt Buster in Your Life?
Today (week 2 day 5), she had us read Isaiah 45:8-12 for questions 1 (see the bottom of the post if you’d like to see the passage) and identify the main idea in the passage. a. What is the big picture here? What is God trying to say? Trusting God in all things. While we might question those things that go on around us, or even the world as a whole, we need to remember to never doubt God, who He is, or what He has done. It’s in the doubts that creep in that we can lose sight of the bigger … [Read more...]
What does love look like?
We continue on with 1 Corinthians 13 (week 2 day 4). I love how Jen has us continuing to dig deeper into these 13 verses and that’s it. We’ve now been looking at them for three days in a row. Here’s the thing, each day I get that much more out of them. I love the growth I gain by doing this. 1. I am directed to re-read the verses as well as the first two journal entries. 2. Then I am to journal through the following questions. The most important things I need to remember is to listen to … [Read more...]
What Does Love Mean to You?
Today, week 2 day 2, we're heading into a very well-known, and read, part of scripture: 1 Corinthians 13. I love that Jen takes us back there as it teaches us no matter how many times you read God's Word we can always find something new in it. What I've taken from this passage is that above all things, love matters most. Love is shown in what we do, how we are, where we go, why we act in a certain way. When we lack love, true love, something becomes missing in our lives. Things can tend to … [Read more...]
The Journey with Cathy Elliott #acfw #thejourney
Please welcome this week's guest Cathy Elliott for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? Bloom Where You’re Planted? When I finally answered the writer call, it was with the words, “What shall I write?” The desire had long been nestled inside, popping up every so often, tapping me on the heart. But the nudge seemed playful, without purpose. Now, at-the-ready, I felt lost before my journey even began. At my first writers group meeting, … [Read more...]
The Journey with Jean Ann Williams #acfw
Please welcome this week's guest Jean Anne Williams for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? My writing journey began before I even knew it, and God had a plan. I’ve always had lots of energy—no I don’t drink coffee—I come by this naturally. Sitting still for very long wasn’t in my vocabulary until one Sunday on July 2, 1994. On my way to worship services in my little Honda Accord, I slowed for a familiar incline and then the dip in … [Read more...]
Going through Mari’s stuff
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve started going through Mari’s stuff. I still remember the day we went into the house we’d been renting and sat there packing up every single item that either was Mari’s or we needed for her. Nothing got thrown away. Even her juice cups and light switch covers all got saved. At that point, Mari may have been gone about two to two-and-a-half months. I felt like if I threw something away belonging to her, somehow it’s like I was throwing her away. My grief wouldn’t … [Read more...]
Book Reviews by Jean Ann Williams
Where Eagles Soar Jacket Blurb: In 1947, Lily Sanders and her family moved to a homestead in the edge of an Athabaskan village in the Alaskan Territory. It was an ideal location for her father, a mountain man and hunting guide. It also provided a place where the world could not see his brutality. A heartless act by her father leaves Lily brokenhearted and strips away any thread of hope that one day he might love her. She vows to never forgive him and turns to the powerful bond of love she … [Read more...]
The Journey with Jennifer Slattery #acfw
Please welcome back this weeks guest Jennifer Slattery for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? If only we could see things from God’s perspective, imagine the heart ache, frustration, or plain foolishness we’d avoid! If only, when we can’t see, we’d learn to trust, knowing God is indeed good even when it feels as if everything’s falling apart. His love is ever-reaching, ever-healing, ever-drawing, even when we feel all alone. And His … [Read more...]
The Journey with Melissa Finnegan #acfw
Please welcome this week's guest Melissa Finnegan for The Journey. She answers the question: How have you seen God work in your writing journey? As probably is the case with most writers the dream to write was planted in my heart at a young age, but for me it would be over thirty years before I heard God instruct me to write. That call couldn’t happen until I died to self and dealt with long hidden wounds from my childhood. I can’t remember a time I wasn’t writing a story or making plays … [Read more...]