Well, I took a pregnancy test today. Now, before you get excited, it was negative. With today technology age and the Smart Phone, there are so many kewl things you can do. Well, I have the iPhone 4. I started with the 3g. I love my phone other than the keyboard is a touch screen instead of an actually keyboard. I mess up texting more times than I can count because I can’t actually touch the screen. Back to the reason I bring up my phone. As they say, “There’s an app for that.” Yes, there … [Read more...]
This Year’s Ladies Retreat in Gatlinburg
I write from the ladies retreat I am on from my church this weekend. It is Saturday night right now. I went last year and the experience was exactly what I needed at the time. This was when I was introduced to Angie Smith’s story. It was something unexpected but good. This year on the way to Gatlinburg we ended up being delayed by either a mud slide or rock slide on I-75 located around mile marker 143. We ended up being put on a detour that added about an extra hour or so our drive time. The … [Read more...]
When life gets hard, what should you do? Everyone is different and everyone handles their problems in different ways. For the most part, our lives involve different paths and the choices we make to get there. Some choices come by easily and others are difficult to almost impossible to have to make. And then there are the things that happen in our lives that can be called the unchoices. So what exactly is an unchoice you might be asking? Well, this is when something either happens to you … [Read more...]
Then it hits ya
Since moving to Kentucky, I fell in love with a program on the Style Channel. The program is called Clean House. If you've never seen it before, they take people who are clutter fanatics (and man there are some that are so nasty) and help them clean out the clutter, sell the stuff in a yard sale, and then give them a makeover in the rooms they cleared out. Well, they have a couple of shows that came from the original called Clean House: Search for the Messiest House in the Country and Clean … [Read more...]
Paperwork Junkies
What, you might ask, is a “Paperwork Junky?” Well, you might relate. It's those individuals who go out to check their mail, come back in the house and place it on the table (or where ever one might put their mail). It might get gone through right away or it might sit there and have other mail accumulate with it. If it gets gone through, the stuff that's obvious junk mail almost always gets thrown away. The other stuff more times than not will get put into a nice neat pile to get filed away for … [Read more...]
It's a beautiful day by anyone’s account. The date is July 22, 2008. The sky is crystal clear and Caribbean blue. It's around eighty degrees and only getting hotter by the hour. A typical summer day in Chicago. The day has one vital flaw: It's the day I'll bury my one and only child. Her name is Mariana (Mar-ē-awe-na). She was eight-and-a-half years old when she left this earth on July 16. I guess if you're getting ready to permanently say good-bye to the one person who has completely occupied … [Read more...]
Marie’s Unrealized Dream
I wanted to share this story with everyone. I wrote it for my creating writing class this semester. I hope you all enjoy it. It's a beautiful mid-spring afternoon. The temperature outside is approximately seventy-five degrees. It's a perfect day to accomplish what had been eluding Marie since she started. Could it happen today? Could that all important achievement happen in her life today of all days? She definitely doubts herself. She hasn’t been able to do it as of yet. Every attempt has … [Read more...]