I was sitting at my desk this morning and looking at the new flip, desk calendar I have sitting off to my right. I needed to flip the page from yesterday’s date to today. On each page is a Bible verse, but I typically don’t read the verse and just flip the page (even though I know I should 🙂 ).
Well, today was different. I decided to take a moment and read what the verse had to say. And then it hit me. I could share my verse for each day with all of you. Today’s verse is just the one I needed to read. I will call it: VotD, which stands for “Verse of the Day.” I hope you like it.
No wonder we are happy in the Lord! For we are trusting Him. We trust His holy name. Yes, Lord, let Your constant love surround us, for our hopes are in You alone. – Psalm 33:21-22 TLB