If I could quit one bad habit I have it would be to quit being a procrastinator and just get things done. Why do I wait until the last-minute where I’m running around frantically trying to get done whatever it is I’m doing? I have no idea.
I think part of my problem is time management and how I can easily eat away at my time when I should be doing something else. When you work outside the home for someone else you are forced to be accountable with your time because if you don’t the chances of you being fired go up just a smidge. You have to be to work when the boss tells you. If they want a report turned in by a special time it is to be done then. If you are told your lunch hour is to be at a specific time for a length of time, then you are to do that.
When you are at home being held accountable to no one, then you must have enough self-discipline to manage your time in a wise manner. While I’m homeschooling my daughter I have the schedule down pretty well. I use a timer to help with giving the appropriate amount of time toward each subject. At the end of the school day I should feel like I have plenty of time then to get to my writing. However, it always seems like something comes up and my writing ends up coming last.
I know when I really put my mind to it I can knock out some words like these:
This was no ordinary door. She and her family designed it together. It signified their unity and love for each other. It was made of thick stained glass. A big sturdy oak tree stood in the middle, its branches jutting out in a display where they reached to the side and all the way to the top edge. The leaves signified the life they all lived. The multi-colored mosaic represented the vibrancy and color of those lives. Her happiness, over watching the door being installed, would now always be a symbol of things lost.
Or how about this one:
His wife, Ariella, had lain in a white casket with a white silk lining. The handles made of silver. His little baby boy laid in his mother’s arms as if he slept instead of a lifeless little one forever gone. All his hopes, his joy, gone. The too familiar ache invaded his body once more. Oh, how he missed them.
I love to write, I just need to learn how to have better time management.
If you could quit one bad habit instantly without difficulty, which would it be?
Procrastination would be good. 😉
You’re right. And another one I’m getting better at is my Shopaholic tenancies. Hopefully one day. 🙂
Actually, I’d have to join the same Anti-Procrastiner’s Club as you have joined! 🙂 By the way, I am a homeschool Mom, too. Leah’s in her senior year–ACK!
I think many of us would like to join the club, LOL. Wow, I bet the last 12 plus years have gone by so quick. It’s amazing how quickly time goes by with our children.