How can anyone say they are doing a good deed if their heart isn’t fully into it? I don’t get that personally. If I’m going to do a good deed for someone or something then I need to have my heart fully into it. The fact is others will be able to tell that I’m not into it otherwise. Unless, of course, you’re a fantastic actor/actress who can get away with faking it, but if that’s the case maybe that person should be paid millions to do movies and what not then too.
When Mari died, I could have imagine having anyone there who was helping out with something to do with either the wake, the funeral or after we got back to the cemetery where everyone gathered around for food and talking. I have no doubt in my mind that those who helped those two days, and even the days before to help prepare, had their hearts 100% in the right place. It’s what made it so that Keith and I could just grieve and not have to worry about the small stuff.
I still remember our dear family friends Gina and Missy who not only order and paid for all the food just knowing they’d be paid back, but they didn’t even come to the cemetery so that they could get everything set up back at my husband‘s mom and dad’s house. Their gracious giving of their time will never be forgotten.
It’s things like these that have me no beyond a shadow of doubt that to truly do a good deed you need to do it with all your heart or the deed isn’t good. It’s just something you have to do.