This weekend has been a nice relaxing weekend. I have basically sat here catching up on one of my favorite shows. The only thing that stinks is that Keith is not here. He is on a business trip this week. I miss him when he is gone. The kids haven’t been exactly happy has they have both been grounded all weekend. I think that it really has impacted them. Trevin’s was mostly for lying (again) and Athena’s was mostly for being disrespectful and rude to an adult but going up to the other’s team’s coach and telling him that his team is nothing but a bunch of cheater. She certainly is not scared to speak her mind. Someone at work said she is very brazen. I don’t mind her not being afraid to speak her mind. However, she really has to learn when it’s ok to do it and when not to. And certainly an 8 year old little girl has no right to go up and tell an adult this. I think both have been learning lessons.
I will say both kids have really come along since they have been with us. Some things have been more of a struggle than other but I think that is to be expected. They are two of sweet kids I know. I hear such good things from others who are around them. I just think of where they came from and it is good to know that my husband and I are doing some good in their little lives. It feels good to know that they are happy and want to live with us. The kids are so happy now that they want to live with us for the rest of their lives and just have visit with their mom and dad. To me that is partly sad only because for kids to feel this way about their own parents is sad. However, at the same time it makes me happy to know that they are truly happy here.