Do you like to get credit for the good deeds you do or do you prefer to stay anonymous knowing you did something to someone else? I think most people if they are completely honest with themselves they like to get a little thank your or some form of acknowledgement for something they have done. I think its human nature to want to be recognized for the good things we do.
However, have you ever done something where you received no recognition at all because you went out of your way to help someone without them knowing about it? I have. To be able to see how or what you did help the person or family you did whatever you did for them is a priceless moment. There are no words that can express the feelings that warms in the bottom of your stomach because you know you helped someone in a way that really matters.
That old saying, “It’s the thought that counts,” is so true. What if you did something you meant to be a positive thing but turned out completely wrong. You had the best of intentions but it only made things worse. Yeah, that’s happened to me too. It’s probably happened to most of us.
At the end of the day, if we are doing it for the right reasons, that’s what really matters. I know when Mari died, we had people who came out of the woodwork who helped us with so many things. We received well over $1500 from all the different soldiers within Keith’s recruiting battalion at the time to help us with everything. People volunteered to help with different things. In the end, it made everything easier on Keith and I so all we had to do was try to concentrate on just getting through the wake and funeral. I mean, I still don’t know to this day who paid for my sister, my brother, and Athena’s plane tickets to come out to the funeral. All we know, is they did this so they could help us.
So, getting credit for good deeds can be very good, However, sometimes the best deeds are those done with any acknowledgement in return.