This one is interesting. When we write we are writing out what is playing in our heads. Read this section from the book:
“Writing a novel is like living in a parallel universe. A universe that, unlike reality, you can more or less control. Every day, you find your characters sitting around like polite house-guests waiting to see what you have planned for them. It can be exhilarating on good days, and on other days so difficult and frustrating you think your head might explode. But if you keep showing up, they usually keep showing up too, and eventually you can get them into action.”
And here’s another quote:
“The writer becomes the god of his little universe and is amazed by what seems to be spontaneous creation, but is in fact the reward for hard work.” — ROBERT MCKEE
As writers, we talk about all the time that our characters are talking to us and they won’t be quiet until we write down what they are saying which then becomes a new scene. So are we all mentally ill hearing strange little voices that no one else can hear? No. It is however our minds working to create our scenes that will ultimately play out for our readers.
For me, when I write it is all for the glory of God and my hope is that through my writing people will be able to see that. Even if someone doesn’t believe as I do, my hope is that they can still see it and that it’ll somehow touch them. So my writing is from the desk of God. He’s just using me as a vessel to communicate this.