Have you ever been told before that you might be looking at something but you’re not seeing it? I think we all have at some point.
An example is my daughter Mari. When we would go into a store and Mari would have a meltdown, people would look at her but that is just the outside they were seeing. They wouldn’t stop to think that maybe there’s a reason she’s acting like this. So in other words, they looked at her outside, but they never saw the inner beauty of Mari as they rushed to judge not just Mari but me as her mom. I know this to be true because I’ve done this very thing in the past. We’ve all done it if we are being truthful with ourselves.
The same can go for our writing, but we use different terms. The age-old show vs. tell. When we write we don’t want to tell the reader everything. We want show it by writing out descriptions about what is going on. This is what will draw the reader in.
So always try to remember to see things more that just looking at them.