I think this has been my exact problem these past several months. To be reliable to my own writing muse. Ever since last July when Mari’s 4 year mark came and went, I’ve had a hard time trying to motivate myself to do any kind of writing. Whether it was writing something for Mari’s website, writing something for her book, or just writing for my fiction book, I just couldn’t find the motivation.
I kept being told by others that even if I only write a sentence a day I needed to write something. Yet, I didn’t listen to the very important advice given. It’s like a force field remained around my writing muse keeping me away from it.
In January I finally decided to take a word a day and write about it. I went searching for something like this but couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for. So I found the next best thing. A book with 365 phrases I could use to break through the force field. On January 6 it temporarily broke through and I wrote the first posting. Then it quickly shutdown again until January 31 where I blasted that darn force field to smithereens. Ever since that day I think I have written a little something each day. And it feels so rewarding as a result.
My fiction book is really starting to take better shape as it grows by leaps and bounds. My creative juices have really started to over flow which to put it simply feels so darn good.
Glad to see your creative juices are flowing. I think this challenge is really putting a fire under all of us.
Me too. It’s been fun visiting all the blogs. I’m a little behind but I hope to get caught up tonight.