When I was young and growing up, English was a hard subject for me. I always had a hard time knowing when a run on sentence became one and was I supposed to use there, their, or they’re. My dyslexia always made it more difficult.
Today it has gotten easier but it still is hard work. I’ve been able to learn to compensate. For example, when I take a college class I probably spend a lot more time than most to get the same ‘A’s as someone else.
The bottom line is it takes work. Anything truly important in life takes a little bit of work.
For me, what I used to think of as such a chore in high school, I now don’t think of as work at all. To be able to have it in your head this story and then you get it written down is just so kewl. I feel blessed God has given this beautiful gift to me. To know my words can be relatable to others makes my heart feel warmth.
I can honestly say I’ll take this kind of work anytime. 🙂