As a writer, we have all joined a special club that I’m happily a member of: The Writer’s Club. It doesn’t take much to join. Actually, it’s relatively painless. Simply put, you just have to write. That’s it. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I joined the writer’s club while my daughter lay before me getting sicker over those 16 days. At the time, I didn’t even know I had joined the club. I was accepted without question. And all I did at the time was relay information to family and friends about Mari’s progress.
Over the next four and a half years, I’ve been on a journey finding out that, first, I am a writer, and second, the growth I have experienced through the help of writers around me. I’m accepted for who I am. I’m not asked to be someone that I’m not. I feel special and it feels good.
So I want to thank all my fellow club members for you support during this time. It means the world to me.