Its amazing sometimes how God works. Many say His ways are mysterious. The bottom line, no matter how much we want to control every thing, we simply do not know His plan for all of our lives. His plan is greater than any of us can fathom.
For me this hit me head on like a Mac truck (I know clique but it’s true) when God decided to answer our prayers about healing my precious baby girl by telling us all no, that it was time to bring her home to heaven where she will be free from autism.
God always answers our prayers we just may not like the answers.
It is through losing my daughter that I began to write. Yeah,I wrote in my journal but that’s not the same. I had a need to write down my inner most feelings so I could then share with others. I wanted others to see how I was and the road for my grief journey. I couldn’t explain it at the time but the need to do this couldn’t be explained. I just did it.
I started my writing by posting what I had written on Mari’s site. Then I started to write a book about her life. Then through this experience I found out I needed to learn how to implement fiction techniques into her story to make it just that much more enjoyable. And then it hit me. All of a sudden four different ideas for fiction novels popped into my head.
I was upstairs making my bed when the idea came about a woman who gets into a car accident with her husband and two daughters. She is the only survivor. And that night I began my first ever attempt at writing fiction.
Why do I tell you all this? Because God is the one who has been guiding me the whole time. It is because He gave me the ability to write that I am. I mean, think about that a moment. To finally be able to see part of His plan for my life gives me goose bumps up and down my body.
I don’t know for sure if this what most people would say is a Holy Calling, but for me it is in that I know God has given me this gift that I can in turn use to glorify Him.
Our message in church this morning was on gifts. It’s plain to see that God is calling you to use your gift and minister to those who’ve gone through such grief, and maybe much more besides. Many will be blessed through your experience.
Elaine, thank you for your heartfelt words. I always love how God works behind the scenes, so to speak, in that you had a message at your church about gifts and then you came to my daughter’s dedication site and see how God is using the gift He has bestowed upon me. I feel blessed.