Own your story. Whether it’s fictional, a memoir, or even your own life, just own it.
My story, or my life, makes me who I am today. I was abused as a child in all the ways I think there are, to include abandonment (talk about leaving yourself exposed), from my dad, my mom, and even my grandparents through the emotional side. Please don’t get me wrong. I loved both my grandparents, both of which are now in heaven, and my mom and dad. My mom raised us on her own and she did the best she could. I love her very much.
Some people don’t understand why I’m not angry at my parents and hating them. It’s because no matter what has happened on this earth they’ll always be my mom and dad. God tells us to forgive just like He forgave us through His Son Jesus Christ. I’m not saying it’s been easy, actually anything but. However, I am who I am today because of my messy past. Even losing my daughter has me to where I am today.
If I could go back and change things, would I? To be honest, I really don’t know. I’m still human. Would I like to have an easier path? Absolutely. But the fact remains that it just doesn’t matter. God has given me the peace I need about all of it.
So this is all a part of my story. I’m blessed. I know God is working in my life on a continual basis. My story is never-ending. I won’t know what’s around the bend ahead, but God does. He will take care me along he way.