Hitting the proverbial wall that seems to always pop up when you least expect it and really need it removed as soon as possible. Yet, there it stands before you blocking your way for whatever it was that you were doing. I can’t remember the amount of times I’ve hit a wall and seem like my foot have rooted themselves in the ground making me unable to move forward in any way at all.
So, what should you do when you come up against what seems like an impenetrable wall? Personally, I say get out that sledgehammer and whack the heck out of it. Crush it to smithereens. Leave nothing behind but the dust it once was then charge forward leaving it all behind on your way to where you were going.
Maybe once the wall comes crumbling down you find there is a new path for you to take. I say take it. Maybe it’s what will get your creative juices flowing again. Just don’t let that wall stop you. I love this quote I read about walls.
“In 1970 Patti Smith hit a wall. ‘I was both scattered and stymied, surrounded by unfinished songs and abandoned poems,’ she wrote in her memoir. ‘I would go as far as I could and hit a wall, my own imagined limitations. And then I met a fellow who gave me his secret, and it was pretty simple. When you hit a wall, just kick it in.’ The source of that advice was Sam Shepard, then the biggest playwright off Broadway.” Abercrombie, Barbara, A Year of Writing Dangerously: 365 Days of Inspiration & Encouragement.