I’ve noticed with my writing that I can write and write and write, edit and edit and edit, but it’s not until I read everything outloud do I find the things that I really need to fix. The become so glaringly obvious I wonder how I could have missed them in the first place. But that’s what reading outloud my work does for me, it makes it more clear.
In life I think there are many things where we could “read them aloud” to make them more clear. Like talking with your spouse over something instead of letting it fester inside us where we get more and more irritated with whatever is bothering us. It’s by voicing those things that both us that help us communicate with those that we love in a positive manner.
I think this is one area where I feel blessed in my marriage to my husband. Do we argue and yell at each other. Absolutely. It would be nice if we didn’t but the bottom-line is we do. However, once we begin to calm down and really start to talk, our relationship always become stronger as a result. It’s part of what holds our marriage together because we do communicate about everything. I’m blessed that I have a husband I can do this with and I thank the Lord all the time for him.