In life it is so important to find someone, or more than one person, who can mentor you in whatever you are doing. For me, I love being able to talk to other writers who have more experience than I do who can help me to become a better writer. In doing this, I’ve been able to open myself up to the help needed. You have to allow yourself to be guided in order to become better.
The old adage about knowledge and wisdom is so true when it comes to writing. You may have all the knowledge in the world but if you don’t have the wisdom to go with it you may not know what to do with all that knowledge. For me, God may have given me the gift of writing, but I know I still have so much to learn when it comes to the craft of writing itself. And that’s okay. I love learning.
To be honest, I’m one of those strange birds, as they say, where I love receiving a critique back all marked up because that means the person took the time necessary to really go through your manuscript and help you as best as they could. They didn’t just read it and make a few comments to the side. The went line by line to help me improve my writing. That is priceless information and wisdom that is being bestowed up me. I’m thankful I have the ability to write, and on that same note, I’m also thankful for all the writers around me with the wisdom needed to help me improve.