As writers we have to be willing to pour ourselves into our writing. It’s what makes a good story.
I think the reason why my daughter’s hospital story has touched so many is because the words written came directly from my heart. I didn’t hold anything back. At the time I only thought of them as updates for friends and family. But over time they have become so much more. Some of the comments I’ve received have been such a blessing for me. (To read the comments others have left, click the following link:
If I had only shared the basic minimum, yes people would have known how our daughter was but the emotional attachment would have been missing. It’s because I bared myself to everyone that it has resonated so much with others. I didn’t hold anything back. People have told me more times than I can remember that they cried while reading about those 16 days. Those simple words profoundly touched them. Think about that for a minute. To know my words have touched anyone in any way is so humbling for me. I give all the glory for this to God as He is the one who has given me this gift and the ability to write the way I do. It comes naturally. It’s still hard for me to believe that people have been touched by my words. People have told me how blessed they have been by them, when it is me who has been blessed as I hear how my words have touched them. I thank the Lord for this gift as it has made me so happy. I’m able to use words to convey how I’m feeling and then share those with others. That is pretty awesome.