In our own world as we are learning to write down what has formed in our heads, whether a story idea or a journal entry, we all have a place where we start and somehow learn to close the gap to where we want to be.
I still remember the first night I sat down to start writing the story idea that came to me. I wrote a little bit of it and then read it to my hubby. It was listening to his reader perspective and how in his experience of reading that he helped me to better the story I had come up with so far.
When that first chapter got done it had been quite interesting how it had improved just that much. Then I started submitting the chapter for critiques. It was during this time I realized just how big of a gap I had to go to get my story to a place it needed to be. I call the gap my learning curve. I’m just glad the gap has become smaller and smaller. It helps you to know you are actually making Stacy progress toward your goals.