Life’s been a fog, a fuzzy, sad haze
As one year has come, a moment we dread
What in life can bring so much sadness
With lots of tears and feeling so empty
It’s a mother’s love and the loss of her child
The one that she bore and then buried 8 short years later
When her child was born, she had so much hope
Her child became part of her everything, making her life finally complete
Yet the child had autism, which changes her hopes and dreams
They included so many things, but a mother’s love is one strong force of nature
The dreams she once had of college and her child’s wedding,
Now had all shifted to communicating and her child’s safety
As the years went by, her child was so loved
But at the same time was harder to take care of
There were days of frustration and absolute sadness
She sometimes felt utter despair and total madness
Her child lived in their own little world
Dancing on the roof or in the street was quite the norm
Her child had no cares in their own perfect world
Always having their way and playing all day
The child was so happy, always laughing and singing
The child’s face was like an angelic angel which could make you laugh or sometimes cry
The mother thought it can’t get much worse than this
She had so many hard moments but her love for her child won in the end
The mother had no clue as to what was about to ensnare her
What she thought had been hard was nothing compared to this
Her life would forever change in one brief simple moment
As her child became sick with a simple case of diarrhea
Unfortunately for the mother there was nothing simple to this
It turned out to be E-coli and so much more complicated than could ever be imagined
The mother had to watch as her child deteriorated in front of her eyes
The child became lifeless and empty and could only lay in her bed
From a bright, vivacious child full of life, love and hope
To two weeks, two days later her child leaving for heaven in the sky
So it has been a year since the loss of her child
A year of utter sadness and emptiness always by her side
The emptiness she feels is never gone
All she does at night is wish this would go away
She still hopes this is all a bad dream
That tomorrow morning she will wake up and her precious will still be here
But tomorrow comes and she is still all alone
Her child is forever gone and she learns to live life all a new
The one thing that gives her solace is she will one day be reunited
Not in this life but in the here after
Her sadness will always be there, this is not hard to imagine
However, she learns to live life the best she can with those that love her by her side
So a year has gone by which is still hard to imagine
But in the end all is ok as a mother’s love continues on for all eternity
im so sorry about your little girl. i know nothing compare to the pain that parents (esp. mothers)feel when they lose a child. i pray you find peace. im sure your daughter is indeed an angel and she is now in heaven… 🙂
Ishabelle, thank you so much for you kind words. They are so appreciated.