A mother’s love is a very beautiful emotion and something so incredibly special. I was just thinking last night how every person in the world living and breathing today has a mother and father somewhere whether they are alive or dead. However, not everyone has a child or ever will. It is a very special bond between parent and child. It is different for a mother with her children and a father with his children. God intended it this way for a reason.
I know when it comes to our daughter that both my husband and I grieved in completely different ways. Partly because he was dad and I was mom. Partly because he is a man and I am a woman. But I think the biggest difference is I was a stay at home mom whose world completely revolved around this one little girl and taking care of her due to her autism. I mean, I couldn’t even put her in day care as she was not accepted due to how severe her autism was. To say my life was hard doesn’t even quite describe what it is like to raise a child like this. But even through all of that I would take her back in a heartbeat.
My life was turned completely upside down by her death in more ways than one. However, through this terrible tragedy has come something beautiful and that is He has shown me that I can write and others relate to my writing. I just would have never guess this in a million years back when I was a kid struggling just to pass high school English and typically only able to get C’s as a result. It’s amazing how far I have come since then.
I am just so grateful God has given me this gift of writing and I am able to then share it with others.