As I sit here and look outside my upstairs window, the landscape is blanketed in a snowy winter wonderland. While we slept last night, snow fell, leaving about 3 inches on the ground. The trees are covered in the beautiful purity the snow brings. It’s December 1. Christmas is only days away now and we are in full-fledged shopping mode to get all the gifts for the ones we love. As this time of year always comes around, Mari is never too far from my mom. She never far from my thoughts, but, … [Read more...]
Archives for 2016
“All My Movies” is the PERFECT answer
Wow, I've never done this before. I am going to write a review about a software program that I've only just started to use. Here is what our Blu-ray/DVD collection currently looks like (and yes we have almost two full shelving units filled with them :) : The left picture shows all the adult (not for kids) movies and any seasons for shows that we've liked. The right picture show all our Christmas movies, kid-friendly movies, and some workout videos. For years I've wanted to created a … [Read more...]
A Tip on Getting Distracted
To start off this new week in the study (week 3 day 1), Jen has us read chapter 6, “Tweezers, Velcro Rollers, and Other Tools for Girls (you just gotta love her chapter titles): Bible Study Tools You Have to Know About”. I didn’t take a lot of notes from the chapter as much as wrote down the tools Jen suggests we have while we are studying the Bible. However, I did highlight some very important things she mentions throughout it. Page 94, “Most of us don’t use our Bible helps either, but … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Doubt Buster
It’s hard to believe I’m already at the end of week 2 (day 6). The time seems to have flown by but I’ve already learned so much. 1. I’m to look over the details of Isaiah 45:8-12 and read through my journal entry for week 2 day 5 to create a title out of the main idea. Title: The Doubt Buster Now Jen is having us look much closer at the details of these verses. She tells us to disconnect my mind from spitting out an easy answer and listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling me. a. Why … [Read more...]
Athena’s Poem, Unbelievably Good
I'm one proud mama because tonight our daughter, Athena, handed us a poem she wrote and dedicated to Keith and I. First off, she is one of the sweetest little girls in the world who happens to be going through a lot right now. When you read what she wrote below, I hope you can see the beautiful heart she has. Her beauty comes from the inside and exudes outward. We are so utterly blessed to be able to be her parents. I asked her if it'd be okay if I shared this and she said yes. I hope you … [Read more...]
A S.H.E. Moment (episode 2)
Well, how has it been in the life of a S.H.E. (Sidetracked Home Executive)? For this S.H.E., not so good. What do I mean by this you might ask? It's because my silly little brain does not have a helper mentality. It's supposed to bug me and bug me to use my wonderful 3x5 card system. Yet does it? Nope! It leaves me totally stranded. The whole "woe is me" petty party isn't very fitting now is it? lol In all seriousness, I have the hardest time remembering to use my card system that I worked … [Read more...]
Do you have a Doubt Buster in Your Life?
Today (week 2 day 5), she had us read Isaiah 45:8-12 for questions 1 (see the bottom of the post if you’d like to see the passage) and identify the main idea in the passage. a. What is the big picture here? What is God trying to say? Trusting God in all things. While we might question those things that go on around us, or even the world as a whole, we need to remember to never doubt God, who He is, or what He has done. It’s in the doubts that creep in that we can lose sight of the bigger … [Read more...]
What does love look like?
We continue on with 1 Corinthians 13 (week 2 day 4). I love how Jen has us continuing to dig deeper into these 13 verses and that’s it. We’ve now been looking at them for three days in a row. Here’s the thing, each day I get that much more out of them. I love the growth I gain by doing this. 1. I am directed to re-read the verses as well as the first two journal entries. 2. Then I am to journal through the following questions. The most important things I need to remember is to listen to … [Read more...]
Did You Know I’m a S.H.E.?
By the title alone you have to be saying to yourself, "Well, yeah, of course you're a she." But if you look a little further, and maybe you already have, you'll notice that it's not actually the word 'she'. It's an acronym from a book I read recently (actually my mom introduced me to the book years ago, but I never actually read it). The book is called Sidetracked Home Executives, hence the acronym S.H.E. For those of you who don't know, I didn't exactly grow up in a house that was clean. … [Read more...]
What Does True Love Look Like?
Today is Week 2 Day 3 of the study, and before we get further into studying the Bible, she first has us pray so that our heart will be able to hear what the Holy Spirit has to tell us and to have us slow down so we can hear Him speak. In doing this He will be able to stretch us as we do our study today. I truly feel every time I take the time to pray before I dig deeper into God's Word, I'm able to understand it so much better than when I don't. Page 167 1. For question one, she has us … [Read more...]